Recreating Magic

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Arnav entered his room after a tiring day at office and the scene in there had his fatigue fade away in two seconds. He smiled but frowned at the littlest Raizadas. All three were there in his room. Aarushi was standing at the edge of the room in a lehenga with Khushi's dupatta hanging off her head.

She walked to the edge of the bed and then turned. Her foot slipped at the edge and lost her balance. Arnav widened his eyes and almost ran in but Akshay and Arshi standing down had already caught her. He sighed but looked at them giggling.

Aarushi - Yeeesh. Again. I do Mumma.

They hadn't noticed him yet and as he now walked in more they realized his presence and ran to him smiling wide.

Arshi, Aarushi - Daddy!

He bent and kissed both smiling. They expressed their love in the form of kisses and jumped on him. Akshay cleared his throat.

Akshay - Arshi, Aaru, won't play now?

Khushi too entered from the poolside where she'd been collecting their scattered toys. She kept those on the recliner and looked at her family.

Arnav - Aaru, baby don't wear Mumma's dupatta. You slipped. Had Akshay bhai and Arshi not been there, then-

Aarushi - No Daddy. I no ship. We do. I Mumma.

Arshi - And me n Bhai u. We pay Mumma and Daddy.

He married his eyes in confusion and looked up at Khushi, the medium.

Khushi - Akshay found an old footage of us on YouTube and now they're recreating that. The first time we met and I fell in your arms.

He raised his brows now understanding it all and averted his eyes back to twins who were pulling him towards the bed.

Arshi - Daddy too pay.

Aarushi - I Mumma and Daddy Daddy.

Arshi - No now I Mumma.

They left his hands now looking at each other with their mouths twisted.

Aarushi - No no. I Mumma. Shee. I pinshesh.

She swirled holding the dupatta and smiled proudly. Arshi gritted her teeth and pulled her dupatta.

Arshi - I Mumma!

Now both fumed but before they could jumped on each other each of their parents carried one of them. Akshay facepalmed himself and rolled his eyes at that drama.

Khushi - Stop fighting you both. Aren't you my sweet Shonas? Mumma's good babies don't fight.

Arnav - And I won't play if you both fight like this. You both are my princesses.

Akshay - And you four are drama. Now can we play?

They looked at him who was flaring his nostrils and now laughed. Twins giggled at their big bro trying to act angry.

Akshay - I'm serious.

Khushi - Ok ok, my baccha is angry. You both, no fighting. Now go play.

They kept them down again but twins nodded their heads in denial.

Aarushi - Daddy too pay.

Arshi - I Mumma now!

Aarushi - No. Daddy Mumma now.

Arnav chuckled at her suggestion and Akshay pouted raising his brows in disbelief.

Akshay - And who'll catch him?

Aarushi- I do. I shooo shtong. I dink mik. Haina Mumma?

She showed everyone teeth and her thin bicep. Khushi laughed and pulled her in her arms again now kneeling.

Khushi - Oh yes. My baby is very strong.

She kissed her cupping her face and pulled Arshi too in her arms. Akshay stepped back not risking to get into a group hug. He's just interested in playing.

Akshay - No thanks. Big Daddy can't be Massi. Massi is a girl.

Arnav - I'll play myself and catch everyone one by one. How about This?

The twins screamed in agreement and Khushi pulled back jerking as they yelled in her ears. She laughed watching them as they got out of her arms and ran towards the bed.

Akshay - Big D, you catch both. Then me.

Arshi, Aarushi - Yeeeesh.

Enthusiastic and energetic as ever, they jumped on the bed. And Daddy Arnav couldn't so anything else than agree.

He stood there at the edge to catch his falling beauties. Aarushi enacted it all. She slowly catwalked onto the bed towards the edge and turned while Arshi just stood at the edge with her hands up onto her sides, looking at her in disbelief.

Arshi - Done or do moa dlama?

Khushi gaped at her with open mouth but chuckled along with her husband.

Aarushi flared her nostrils at her elder sister once before turning to slip. Arshi too then turned and both acted to slip and fell below trusting their father to catch them in his arms. And he got them both. He held them in his arms and kissed their foreheads.

Aarushi - Shoooo maejik.

Arnav - No. You both are magic! My most precious magical dolls.

They giggled as kissed their noses and kept them back on the bed.

Arshi - Now Bhai.

Akshay was hesitant but apparently did that. Arnav caught him too and tickled him then.

Aarushi - Now Mumma.

She ran to her mother and pulled her closer with a pout she couldn't refuse.

Khushi - Ok. Now my turn but after that all of you have to drink milk and let Daddy too have some water and coffee.

Arshi - Done.

She pushed her mother's legs in an attempt of moving her. Khushi got over the bed and stood on it. Arnav stared her lovingly remembering the day and she blushed.

The twins frowned as she wouldn't fall. Their parents were busy in their own world. So they took things into their own hands and climbed up onto the bed.

Khushi gasped as they pushed her, imbalancing her for real. She fell then right in her husband's arms. The kids clapped and laughed cheerfully enjoying their parents very much real acting.

Khushi - I really fell! They-

She looked at them strictly and looked up at Arnav who didn't let her complain about their kids, not at this moment.

Arnav - Fall. I'll always be there to catch you.

She stared him now with a love filled warmth spreading through her heart. She hugged him smiling.

Khushi - I know.

He kept her down after few seconds and they looked at their twins watching them ever so lovingly.

Arnav - You know, accidents are beautiful. You.... Them.

She widened her eyes thinning her lips and smacked him lightly before hold their hands to take them down.

Khushi - Now let's go down. You three have milk and Daddy will freshen up and change till then.

They nodded innocently and moved with her. Arnav watched them go out and admired his adorable family. The way his twins tease each other is so cute. Aarushi held her dupatta thinking of herself as a princess and Arshi pulled it deliberately to annoy her.

Aarushi - Mummmaaa...Acchi do bad.

Aarushi complained to receive a look from Arshi but Khushi eyed her at the same time.

Khushi - Arshi, stop teasing your sister.

He nodded in denial and sighed at the precious sight. Hadn't it been for the fateful day he met her, he wouldn't have had all these moments to cherish and live for.




Happy Anniversary peeps!!!

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