Scolding Daddy

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He carefully opened the door keeping the time in mind. It was much past dinner already, so he meant to quietly tiptoe inside the room in order to not disturb Khushi’s sleep. Only she wasn't sleeping. Neither were the twins. They were standing right there with Khushi, their hands resting on their hips, their nostrils flaring and teeth gritted.

Uh uh. Seems like I’m in deep trouble.

Arnav - Hi!

He entered gradually and whispered smiling at his girls before putting his laptop and coat on the recliner. They didn’t greet back but the three pairs of eyes followed him around with displeasure written all over their faces. He took off the tie before coming back to his twins.

Arnav - So...why are my dolls still awake? It’s quite past bedtime.

Though the question was directed to the twins, it was clearly meant for their responsible mother. All three twisted their mouths, looking like carbon copies of each other with the same poses. He thinned his lips at the adorable picture in front of him.

Arnav - I see you don’t even wanna talk to me. And I may have an idea why.

Arshi - You shee time? Come home now?

She pulled his hand showing to his watch on the wrist.

Arnav - I know, I'm so-

Aarushi - You bad bad Daddy! Fogot ush. We go dinnah.

Khushi had opened her mouth to speak finally but seems her almost four years old was keener on scolding him than she was. She was fuming for real and letting it all out on her father. But even Arshi wasn't behind.

Arshi - O-wesh wok wok wok. We no impo-tant?

Something stung his heart at her question. Was there anything in the world more important to him than these two? Definitely not! They had even dethroned Anjali and Khushi from the top position. He loved his sistet and wife a lot, unconditionally. But he just loved them more. The most.

He carried both keeping them up on the bed and cupped their jaws with each of his hands.

Arnav - Oh no baby. You are important! You both are most important! Work is secondary.

Arshi pushed his hand off her cheek making both Arnav and Khushi raised their eyebrows at her in astonishment.

Aarushi covered his cheeks with her palm pulling them together to have him form a pout.

Aarushi - No no. I shee. You wok wok wok. Fami tam shoooo impo-tant! Food shooo impo-tant!

Arnav and Khushi suppressed their grins at the foodie lover while Arshi passed an angered look at her sister before she rolled her eyes at her statement about food.

Arshi - Daddy, you come late. We wait n wait n wait. We no go dinnah. Not feah (fair).

Khushi stared at her daughters in Awe. They looked so sweet scolding him, so little Khushis. She couldn't be more proud of her twins than right now.

Aarushi - No lesh-ponsh-bal (responsible). Fisht shay we go n then no come.

Arshi - Go (grow) up. No do this to ush. Vely bad. We up long.

Khushi put her palm on her fact to not burst in laughter at the way her angry birds were poking his chest and pressing his cheeks together.

Arnav - Yes, I know that's very irresponsible of me. I promised to take you out today but totally forgot about it. I'm really sorry.

He cupped their tiny hands in his big ones and attempted a puppy face, hoping they forgive him. They narrowed their eyes instead.

Arshi - No foget offish n wok. Why o-wesh foget ush?

Arnav - I had meetings lined up. It was soooo much work you see.

Aarushi pulled her hands out of his hold and exploded putting her hands up in the air in fiery.

Aarushi - Sho much wok. Sho much meething. I no kea (care)! How foget u dollsh?

Her anger turned into sadness soon. He realized Aaru was hurt that he could just forget them like that.

Khushi too noticed the fallen face and moved beside him immediately. They were angry and had insisted on staying up until he comes so they could take his class but her heart just broke in pieces for her kids were hurt and felt neglected and not loved enough. She could neither see them dejected nor could she have them lose their faith on their Daddy dearest.

Arshi - No Aalu, we no Daddy'sh dollsh. Only Mumma girlsh.

She hugged her mother who stood by the bed and caressed their heads.

Arnav - No, you both are my dolls, my honeybees I am really so sorry I disappointed you. I hope you can forgive your Daddy.

Khushi - Uhm, yes. It's not his fault. Actually…

He looked at her cocking a brow. It was his fault. He was so engrossed in work, he just forgot the time. But Khushi could not see them sad and disappointed with him. So as always she came to his rescue.

Khushi - Actually it was Amanji who gave him so much work and put him up for so many meetings. He doesn't have his own cute babies like you. So he doesn't know what it is to be a Daddy and doesn't understand how important it is to spend time with your kids.

She didn't feel great for making Aman the scapegoat and putting all the blame on him but it were these three and a half year olds who couldn't understand the world yet.

Aarushi’s fallen lips tightened as she gritted her teeth in anger again while Arshi’s stern look took a 360 degree and changed to fury. Khushi witnessed her little Khushis turn into little Laad Governors and facepalmed herself.

Aarushi, Arshi - Aman!✊

Arnav nodded in denial now smiling a bit his junior ASRs and attempted to control the damage.

Arnav - But that won't happen again. I'll tell him, not to give me any work anymore. In fact tomorrow I'll stay home the whole day and spend all my time with my dolls.

Khushi - That's a great idea. Now that's like Arshi and Aaru’s very good Daddy! Isn't it?

They caressed their cheeks trying to get the two out of the angry ASR avatars. But alas.

Arshi - I call Aman and shold him.

Aarushi - I yell on him!

They jumped to the night table to grab Khushi's phone. Arnav and Khushi picked them up each in their arms to prevent them from blasting on Aman.

Khushi - Offo. Arshi, Aaru, stop it Shona! Let's put you two to sleep. It's very late and Daddy will tell a bedtime story.

Arnav - Yes. I'll tell a bedtime story. In fact you sleep here with Mumma and Daddy. I'll make up for the missed dinner.

It took them few minutes but they managed to get their angry birds to calm down and after a while they were finally asleep.


Next morning, 9 AM.

He put on his coat all ready to leave for office as his phone buzzed. Upon checking the display it showed a WhatsApp voice note from ASR.

Aman played the audios and realized it were messages from his daughters.

Aarushi - Vely bad mishter. Daddy go out with ush. You give wok and all shpoil. Not good.

Arshi - Bad bad Aman. No do again. Elsh you faia (fired). Then I shee you mishter!

Khushi - Hey DM, what are you both doing? Arshi, give me-

He took a deep breathe as it ended abruptly and then twisted his mouth not able to really understand what this all was about but he could make out they were not in a great mood and he definitely needed to watch out.

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