Another Couple Therapy

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Hey people
Surprised, ha? Didn't expect another shot so soon 😂
Well, I like to surprise people 😋

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"Arshi baby-"

As soon the person attempted to say something, he was immediately interrupted by the highly concentrated toddler.

Arshi - Ssssh. U get tun latah (later).

Aarushi - Sho Laksh-mi ji, u tell moa.

Yes. You read it correctly. It was Laxmi, asked to tell more.

Probably I should enlighten you about the tensed situation.

So it all started with our beloved and innocent twins advising their parents in a couple therapy on how to get along better. And then they want no two persons to have any sorts of troubles.

Having observed Hari Prakash's problematic relationship with Laxmi ji jr, mainly for she kept running away and the poor HP always trying to get her back, they decided it was time to take them in for a couple therapy.

And now, whether they wanted it or not, here they sat, both HP and Laxmi ji jr, on the tiny chairs in the kids room...oh sorry, in the office of both our competent therapists.

Laxmi - Meeeeh

Aarushi - I shee. An then?

Laxmi looked around and then just silently kept quite. Arshi looked at HP, flaring her nose.

Arshi - No shkea Laksh-mi ji. She tell all. U ssssh. How many timesh I shay?

HP - But...I didn't even say anything.

Aarushi - No shay. But look, an u give shkaly eyesh like Mumma. No gudh.

Poor HP stared them as he was being scolded by the two cutest girls in probably the whole world.

HP - But-

Arshi - Ssssh.

She put her finger on her mouth, hushing him and Aarushi patted Laxmi ji lovingly.

Aarushi - Sho Misssh Laksh-mi ji, u shpeak. No shkea. We hea.

Laxmi - Meeeeh.

The two nodded, pouting attentively at her and scribbling down something on their drawing books.

Arshi - Sho we hea all.

HP - Now my turn?

But the two soon glared him for intetrupting them and poor HP sunk back deeper into his tiny chair.

Arshi - I no like thish. O-waysh wait foh me to shay. Ok?

He nodded silently and Aarushi pitied him already, so got up from her chair and rubbed his shoulder standing beside.

Aarushi - Oh mah puh (poor) boy, no shad. I hea u. Tell wat u shay.

HP - May I?

HP looked at Arshi, for he knew the little angry bird. She narrowed her eyes at first but then seemed pleased.

Arshi - Ok. Now u shpeak. Shay all.

HP - I have no problems with Laxmi ji. She is just like that, likes to roam around and eat, and I like to take care of her.

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