Hellooooo, we ah Alshi an Aalu. Mumma shay gud gul wish happy nu ya, sho we wich happy nu ya. U be happy and shmile o-waysh.
N keep eathin Jebi, make vely happy. N chocate too, n lash-gula, n kheel. Mumma make vely tashty. MUMMAAAAA, kheel. I hungy.
Aalu, no foget. Fisht we wich, then eath. Elsh we no gud gul.
Oh, uh, sho evi-one, be happy an tashty nu ya. Sho bye. MUMMMAAAAA, we wich evi-one, now u giv Jebi? Peeeeeeesh.
Aalu! U o-waysh think foo foo foo. Ssssh, shtay. Elsh Mumma no give Jebi.
Why? Then I go Daddy and comp-ain.
N Daddy do wat? Mumma shkae Daddy and he lun away.
Sho badh u an Mumma. Mah pu Daddy. Mumma no do gud. Sho badh.
No, mah Mumma no badh. Daddy badh. Daddy fo-get Mumma bah-dhay.
Mah pu Daddy do gudh. He shay shoy an geth cake. Mumma sthill angy. Sho no gudh.
Sho? Mumma get angy, Mumma can. U sssh, do uah wok! No faidh!
Oh, ah, al-sho, Barbie, Barbie alsho wich happy nu ya. Evi-one.
Barbie no shay, u shay!
Alshi!!! Sssssssh! Barbie shay. Happy nu ya. Bye, now I go Jebi n pah-thy.
Sho, Aalu gone. Mah teddhy alsho shay Happy nu ya. Now I alsho go. U too go. Bye.
Twinkle and Twist with Twins
FanfictionAn OS Series of Arnav and Khushi with their twin daughters! A warning beforehand: All the shots of this series aren't taking place in a chronological order. They are taking place in twins' toddlerhood but am writing it in a random manner when it com...