Sweet Nothings

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"Barbie, I want to be like you. Can you show me how to be like you please?"

Khushi entered the room and saw her daughter sitting on bed with a plate of Jalebis and her eyes glued to the TV. She shook her head in disbelief.

Khushi - Aaru, enough TV for today. Now switch it off.

She was to grab the remote before the little one hid it, anxiously jumping up and down.

Aarushi - Mumma, jush shee thish. Peeeesh.

Her mother couldn't help but smile at her cutiepie who looked most adorable with that pout of hers. She sat beside her and pecked her.

Khushi - O my jaan, you know I love your peeeeesh, but no. You can watch it tomorrow. Now c'mon, go play. Your Bua was calling for you.

Aaru grimaced as her peeeesh didn't work in front of her mother. Their mother seemed to be immune to their cuteness, in contrary to their father.

She climbed off the bed and ran to her Bua with her Barbie and her plate of Jalebis. Anjali was knitting in the lounge and talking to Nani. Aarushi kept her plate on the table and stood in front of her aunt.

Anjali - There is my sweetheart. Aaru, I'll make a pink jacket for you. And yes, I'll write Barbie on it. You'll wear it na?

She kept the already knitted back of the sweater on her niece to confirm the fitting. Aarushi nodded and then grinned widely. The latest Barbie episode fresh in her mind.

Aarushi - Anji Bu, I teech (teach) u be like me.

Anjali - Uhm, Aaru, baby, what?

She frowned not quite able to understand her. Aaru smacked her head lightly like her mother and then explained to her.

Aarushi - U wan be like me? Shay yesh.

Nani smiled gigglishly and Anjali had to suppress her laughter too.

She did understand her language but wasn't able to figure out how and why Aarushi wants to teach her how to be her. But kids often do things you don't understand. So she just nodded and went with it.

Anjalj - Yes, I want to be like my little Barbie..

Aarushi - Gudh. Fasht, u eat moa. Shee thiiiish jebish? I eath all. Sho u be me, u eath all.

Nani affectionately admired her great grand-daughter who rubbed her tummy and then pointed to the plate. Anjali chuckled at her niece,she loved this little foodie so much.

Anjali - I'm sure I can't ever be as much a foodie as my cutie but I can try.

Assuming she's asked to eat Jalebis from her plate, she forwarded her hand to grab one piece. But it never touched the Jalebi as a tiny hand smacked hers before that.

Aarushi - Uh uh. No theesh. Theesh mine. Be like Aalu lesshon, Aalu no sheah foo!

She took her plate and gulped her Jalebis down while Nani and Anjali stared at her in amazement.


Khushi was on her nightly patrol of checking on kids one final time before going to sleep herself. And as she approached the door, she noticed the bump in front of it. Of course she didn't miss the legs looking out from below it. She could clearly see Arshi's black lower.

For a moment it was hard for Khushi to control her laughter but she couldn't allow herself to laugh out loud or her little one would find it funny too and do it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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