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A Mythical Island.

An island of which no one knows the truth about.

What if there is another world parallel to ours? What if all those myths stating the existence of another world like earth is true? What if I am destined to be one of the respective persons volunteering in the safety of each worlds? What if the forgotten legend that is now accepted as a lie is true? No one ever knows what the truth is until it is unclosed in front of all eyes. But, what if everything is playing a trick on me like what my surroundings did? Has anyone ever wondered if the mirrors are a proof that another world exists? Maybe, just maybe there's a whole another world on the other side of the mirror. Has anyone ever tried to get there? My definite answer would be no. if a person like me, who believes in most of the fantasy superstitions or beliefs hasn't tried it yet then nobody possibly could've.

Everyone thought that Atlantis, the island known to have been drowned in the Atlantic ocean is just a tale passed down years after years is not true. Perhaps, this might be party true but it's not true at all. Atlantis was surely an island but instead of being without people and small ,it was surrounded by an invisible portal that lead to another world, the world on the other side of the mirror. Atlantis was drowned, no, shifted inside the water so that no one can gain access to the other world, keeping it safe and out of evils reach. But, if everything in that world turns evil, that wouldn't be of any convenience. But to everyone's remorse the king of Atlantis closed all the paths of connecting to the other world except one, the one of which no one knew about, of which only the earth-atlantians knew about. Mirror. Yes, it was mirror. But how can anyone get through a mirror? It is a mystery to almost everyone. And when the earth-atlantians disappeared, it's more of a riddle you need to figure out. Where does the clues reside? This is also not predictable. The only hope is the heir and her guardian. If he/she is born with the ability to figure it out then maybe success can't farther away itself anymore.

Do the earth people know anything about it? No, people only come to think of it as a myth. Even the heiress of Atlantis doesn't know about it but she/he is yet to be informed.

My name is Aera Elliot. I don't even know if Elliot is my real surname or not. I am 21 years old and currently is studying in a university. I get bullied a lot and no one ever forgets to mention my sensitive spot. My family. I don't know anything about my family. The first thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed and my now-best friend telling me that my parents died and I am the only survivor. I don't even remember having a family. I don't know how but I have a house that my parents left for me and loads of money that I can spend my whole life with. The house and everything was assigned to my name from the start. Its strange.

You're wondering how I know my name if I don't remember anything?

From when I woke up, I have been growing up with a sister-like friend whom I first saw in the hospital. She is the only family I have. She treats me like a sister as well as me treating her like a sister.

Aera Elliot

The heiress of Atlantis.

Kim Taehyung

Son of the general. He has the ability to control, add, subtract and watch others dreams.

Celestia Hills

The heiress' protector. Has an invisible katana and can read thoughts that are associated to her

Park Jimin

Adopted son of Marcius. He has an invisible force to control things or create a force field. A part of heir-hunting.

Rie Annie

Diena's sister. She is Aera's best friend and is two years older than Aera. A scaredy cat.

Min Yoongi

Son of Rowena. He has the ability to talk through minds and can read thoughts associated with him. A part of heir-hunting.

Diena Ally

Rie's sister. Aera's guardian. The mother-figure of the triangle. Eldest.

Kim Seokjin

Son of Mathilde. He can absorb energy as well as pass or release it. Sibling of Celestia and Namjoon. A part of heir-hunting.

Kaera Elliot

Adoptive sister of Aera. A bookworm. Lives in Atlantis.

Jeon Jungkook

Son of Marcius. Has the same power as Jimin but a little more strong. Golden Maknae. A part of heir-hunting.

Kim Namjoon

Son of Mathilde. He can basically destroy anything by touching at will. Sibling of Celestia and Jin. A part of heir-hunting.

Jung Hoseok

Son of Fredrick. He has the power of transformation. A part of heir-hunting.

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