Chapter 43

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A/N: This is a very important chapter. Blink and you might miss it.

It wasn't still the day their adventure would initiate. It was only a mere night. Aera had fallen asleep as quickly as Jimin had stopped talking. It was almost like a series of act had ended when she slumbered into dreamland.

Her dreamland.

Her form had fabricated at the same spot. Perhaps, it was a little dark and hazy. The pitch black hue of the sky from the end of her vision had spread into thick gushy mists of expanding cloud. That were exceedingly coming towards the other side, almost as if wanting to put the place in darkness with evil prospects. She heard screams, loud sigh and panting, with a lot of slightly transparent figurines running around in fear. Her dread instinct could not form any sort of logic or clause behind this wreaking havoc, nor did she know what it had meant. By the hideous clouds, she presumed it was something out of her knowledge. Nonetheless, the renowned voice of her head made a presence. Instead of sweet calls, it was a holler of anguish.

"Aera! Run! Go away from here!" the scream came in unexpected, of M. Aera grew immensely worried of the woman's well-being but as she looked around, she could not extract M from the running mess of souls. But as directed, she tried to run. She pinched her eyes shut, running at her full might. Little did she know, it was all in vain. 

Expecting to have gone quite far, she opened her eyes. Her eyes went wide the second she witnessed where she was, she was at the same place. At the same position. She tried to go into a sprint again, but her body seemed to be trapped at the same stance. Exhaustion because of the wasted running made her pant. She placed her hands on her knees, panting hard. The view was going into dizzy circles, black dots appearing. But in the midst of that, she realized she was alone. There weren't any running people, nor tired pants. All she could focus was on before her consciousness betrayed her were an endless abyss of darkness.


She woke up with an endurable neck pain. Her hand rested under her head as she slowly opened her resting eyes. She was in utter confusion seeing black, dusty furniture. Rusty wooden floorboards were where she'd been resting on. She got up into a sitting position, her palms planted on the floor. All she could see were the dirty view and a mirror. Dark feather like carving on the edges too at that. it was also blurry, dust covering the surface. There was an unclean cultural-like platter, one that reminded her of indian religious festivals. As she squinted her eyes for a better view, she could make out a ring, two candles and a pocket knife laying untouched on the carved platter.

As she got up from the sitting position, prying her dress off of the dust that had coated a third of her back, she began her steps towards the suspicious setting. Her feet tapping against the wooden floor, making creak noises as she walked along the sounds. Just as she reached the mirror, her gaze shifted to the obscure decorating of the mirror. The feathery and floral carvings were exquisite, albeit it seemed a little unsuitable for it's nature. They were dark, almost as if the color had been soaked out of them, the greenery inclined carvings that coated with black and dark dust were alluring, yet seemingly dangerous. As her eyes traveled down to the platter, she caught sight of the ring on one side. It had a blood red ruby in the middle, almost looking like nuptial rings she'd seen in some dramas. 

She was about to pick it up, when suddenly a thin hand, white as paper, caught her wrist. She jumped up in alarm as she immediately looked to the side the hand surfaced from. But, oh, dear, what an intimidating sight that was.

 It was almost as if she'd looked into the eyes of medusa that made her still as rock. It was a woman. A very beautiful one at that, yet viciously ugly. The uncanny aura around her making Aera lose her thought. Her pupils were as red as the ring's ruby and the white around them, showing red veins clear. Her lips were tinted with red, plump, almost as if mirroring a vampire. Her sleek raven hair straight as stripes and black as night. Her skin was white- too white, showing veins that normal people wouldn't. After all, she was beautiful but vicious.

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