Chapter 29

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A/N: I am sorry. this is going to be very short. This is mainly the confirmation of Yoongi X Rie ship. My exams have started, so, I may not be able to update often. I am really sorry.


3rd person POV

Aera has been wondering about some things. Some things that were in her mind for a long time. She finally thought that she could disclose her curiosities. But everytime she tried, she would find her mind messed up between all the information. She couldn't find a straight answer. But she was sure of one answer.

"A-Aera?" she heard Rie call her name. Rie was sitting on the little couch in their room and was unexpectedly more interested in the book she had took from her sister. She didn't know she would find herself reading mystery novels as her interest was never void in any books.

"Yes." The girl answered. This may be the first time in a long time Rie has called her.

"Do you know something like a ring that could mend two souls together?" she asked, still keeping her inflaring glare on the book that was securely still in her hands.

Aera suddenly remembered the part she had read in her mother's diary.

Mending two souls together? Doesn't that seem unusually familiar? The story of JiNeY and JiHee played in her mind.

"No." she lied. Although she did know but still, she didn't want Rie to have false expectations since she doesn't really know much.

"Oh." Rie said disappointedly. Yes, this is how their talks now a days are. Rie would end the conversation as soon as possible as well as space off a lot.

Then there was a knock on the door. There were voices on the other side of the door. Male and female voices. For Rie, the deep voice of someone particular stood out the most. Her body felt tensed, stiffened up till she couldn't feel her legs.

The door opened. The voice got even clearer and Rie wasn't comfortable with that. She was afraid.

"Hey," a voice sounded, Rie was sure the person had already got inside the room. But it soothed her, she knew the voice belonged to Diena. No other footsteps were heard. She sighed in relief. But she didn't know that Diena knew Yoongi was behind the door. It was all a plan.

"Its been about two weeks." Diena said as she closed the door. Rie kept her gaze firm on the book but she couldn't concentrate.

"Rie." She called. Rie's head snapped up at the direction as she heard her sister call her name. She can't remember about the past but this felt as if her sister called her this lovingly after a long time.

"Yes?" Rie answered politely. Diena was confused as to why her sister has been acting like this. She wanted to know. Of course she doesn't like this type of Rie. Rie was savage of course but she wasn't emotionless nor this monotonic.

"Rie, you," she paused. Diena looked at Aera, signaling her to leave the sisters alone. Aera gladly left the room, she atleast has the knowledge of not interfering conversations.

As Aera left the room, Diena sat on the bed which was opposite of Rie. Rie was inspecting everything carefully. Diena heaved a sigh which told the wind she was stressed.

"Rie, I need to tell you something." She said softly. Rie couldn't keep her heart cold when her sister talked to her like that. She would just go and hug her sister, telling her everything. But she didn't.

"Why are you being like this?" Diena asked, deep concern vigilant in her eyes. Rie contemplated whether she should tell her or not. But as she searched her mind, she didn't have any specific answer. What could she say? She was heartbroken?

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