Chapter 19

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They took us for an outing on that day too and the theme was white. I don't know why we have themes, like who makes up a theme when they only go out? And I had to struggle with Rie's clothes. Although her style sense was almost like me but I am still different, I had to spend about 20 minutes finding something good for me out of all the girls clothes. At last, my taste matched the most with Rie.

Nothing interesting happened that day, just normal stuffs and all. 

But, on the other day, Rie and Jin went for grocery shopping. Why Rie? Because Diena is very picky and Jin is the cook of the boys, so I suggested Rie to go since she might have at least some sense of these things. If Jin went alone, that would've done it but HE wanted someone else to go with him. Keeping Yoongi and Namjoon out of range, the others boys declined. Since I REALLY didn't want to go with him, I was also out of range. Diena wanted to go but this time, Jin declined. Celestia excused herself to bathroom. So yeah, Rie had to be one even if I didn't choose her.

As Rie came home, she said, she bickered with James for straight 30 minutes but at last, James bought her ice-cream. Ice-cream is her weakness. Apart from the bickering fact, it was pretty unusual of him to buy her ice-cream since he obviously didn't know what her weakness of food was.

The most unusual thing was that I didn't get any of those weird dreams that I usually get. I also didn't have Meilas with me to sleep. Whatever Celestia may seem like, she has a great fascination over these fluffy animals or stuff toys. She 'borrowed' Meilas for two straight days! I was dying because of the lack of something soft laying beside me.

And, today, after one looong day, we are gonna go out again today. I don't know why but Rie didn't tell anyone about meeting James except perhaps me.

Even Jin doesn't know about Rie bickering with James on that day. She lied that she got lost for almost an hour but figured her way to home. Actually, when she was home alone, she was questioned as if she'd been accused of murder and had to answer for it.

Jin came 40 minutes later and he was panting like hell. He had been searching for Rie almost everywhere in the area and he was worried like hell. But he didn't scold Rie or anything. He just told her to take care the next time and Rie hugged Jin like she would if she had a brother who just saved her from her parent's scolding.

As we were getting ready for another outing today, everyone suggested to wear black. Jin and Yoongi were against it but it was mainly Diena's decision. And no one disobeys her. Her opinion was,

'girls look good in black than they do in other colors'

To be true, that was a good thing for me since most of my clothes were black, that I brought with me.

"Are you ready?" I asked through the bathroom door to Diena.

"Almost." She replied.

"Hey, can you help me with this a bit?"she asked and opened the door for me to get in. she pointed at her eyes and then at the liner in her hands.

"Where are we going? Wedding?" I asked.

"Shut up and do it." She ordered sternly.

I picked up the liner and started lining her eyes with this matte black liquid. Don't judge me but I am pretty good in these stuffs, I just don't put them on MY face.

I did her eyeliner, careful not to smudge or else I will have to be imaginarily get grounded for a week or two.

"Done." I said and backed off, letting her get a view of her helself. She muttered a thank you and walked out of the room with me following. I was only wearing black jeans, a v-neck black tee and a turtle neck jacket with unzipped chains. And my hair in a high ponytail.

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