Chapter 10

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Aera's POV

This diary sure is interesting. I showed this diary to Diena yesterday after Rie storm flied out of there and she said maybe it is safe for us to go visit that place. She said that she couldn't say anything about this like she usually could, there's something stopping her. But this isn't a major problem. The major problem for me is if anything happens, then everyone is going to save me first. Since I am not a professional with my powers, I pretty much don't think I will be able to save them if anything like earlier doesn't happen.

The Diary.

It said that there was a myth in Atlantis that the people who write diaries will not survive longer. As I am thinking, is my mother still alive? If she is, then she must know where my sister is right? Is my father okay? How are they doing?

Okay, there's no point in thinking about those. The main thing that I need to focus on is that we are going to that place today. Diena said that, we girls should pack some of our clothes. I don't know why. Since no one disobeys her, I have to pack up some clothes. Like, have to. I don't have any other choice. *sign*

'I have to arrange everything before I bring her here. It is such a pity that her mother died. We couldn't save her. Only if we could go to Atlantis a little Earlier, we could've saved Rowena and Mathilde. Reminiscing my spent time with them only brings back unwanted tears.' The diary read. I shifted in my bed and folded my legs to rest my diary on them.

Mathilde? That sounds familiar. Who is that? Father's first sister or second sister? As I tried to remember my head shot up with agonizing pain and there was a very sharp sound piercing through my head. I clutched my head with both of my hands and then my vision was really blurry, I couldn't hear anything. I tightly shut my eyes and clashed my teeth together to bear with the pain I am receiving. There was only one sound I could make out.

'How does this feel? Do you remember the time you did this to Mathilde?" there I stood, in front of my eyes, laughing like a psych. The surroundings were coated with black mist. As I tried to look somewhere else, I saw that monster we fought that day, grunting in pain. As myself looked at me, my vision changed.

There was a prison, the bars painted dark purple. Inside was a woman, around her mid- forties. She was seated on a dusty chair, the surroundings gray. She looked up at me but.. she didn't see me. She was looking through me. I turned around out of curiosity. There stood a man wearing a purple colored uniform, sort of a soldier uniform. There was a logo on the chest where the heart is. A purple eagle. That seems strangely familiar to me. The soldier glared at the woman and she stood up. He gestured her to go somewhere which she understood and she headed towards the place. She walked through me, surprisingly shocking me, so I turned around to follow her. She was surrounded with multiple guards. The guards led her to a room, where they gestured her to sit, she tried to protest, saying why don't they do it. Do what? Two of the guards forcefully had her sit on the chair, not less dusty and old than the before.

"We are asking you this for the last time, Miss Mathilde Elliot. Tell us, where are your children?" the ferocious looking man that sat in front of her asked.

"None can do." She said, looking straight in his eyes.

"Do you acknowledge why we brought you here?" he asked, struggling to keep the calm posture.

She just smirked and said, "To kill me."

"Just do it! You won't get a single piece of information from me, you assholes." She yelled that caused some of the guards to flinch.

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