110 / Sacrificial Livestock

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Porcelain white-
You were the goat,
A sacrifice to things I couldn't understand.
Water runs over you-
Fountain of youth-
But it's cold, so it only freezes,
And to me, the ice
Is so damn see through.

They chiseled at you,
A masterpiece of karma,
Potions all swimming together,
Blood shed
And a little heartache.
You're black coffee
To a white bitch,
They took you low,
You watch the nights mix.
But morning is so clear-
Fog settles like dust,
Like crust from the suns sleep.

This isn't fair,
I summon the senses
Telling me it's never far off-
A distant horizon,
I wish for the time to slow.
I'm not ready to miss you.
The knowledge I keep
Is swept beneath my tongue
Like dirt to a rug on a wood floor-
The mess is never dealt with properly.

Grasses beg for flame,
Maybe to thaw out
Your destinations.

You escaped the pen,
The boundaries they set,
With hushed words,
It was told there was more.
An embrace,
They told you.
Took your hands,
I should've warned who told you.
The aftermath of a legacy falling,
They couldn't have known,

Wood planks high,
Pinned down
Like religion.
All directions.
I kept quiet-
'I don't need to know, i just need to make sure you're all safe'.
    ⁃    (m.m)

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