In The Clouds (10)

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Harry and Ron returned with Ginny much too long later, and the remaining Weasleys were gathered in the hospital wing waiting. Charlie and Bill had arrived shortly after their parents did, and were sat with the twins next to Honey's bed. Everything stayed silent, which never happen with so many Weasleys in one place. They were waiting for news, so when Ron and Ginny came into the hospital wing with Gilderoy Lockhart, they were surprised to say the least. The one thing they Fred was left wondering by the end of the explanation was why Honey was targeted. She and Mable were both purebloods, while all the other victems were muggle born. Then he remembered that she was imposible to lie too, literally, and instead of asking Ginny he assumed that was why.

Bill and Charile left as soon as they knew Ginny was alright, along with Percy. The mandrake potion was to be finished soon, so Fred and George were kicked out by Madam Pomfrey, and sent to there dorms under the impression that they would see Honey at dinner. That was the best news they had heard in a while, because her prolonged absence had taken a toll on both of them. They didn't know what to do with themselves with her gone, and hated to think of how they would go on without her if she never came back. Fred took it even worse than George, and that was clear in the dark circles under his eyes that he hid with a smile that wasn't fooling anyone. He missed her more than he could remember missing anything.

Everytime the door to the great hall opened that night at dinner, the two boys would look up excitedly along with everyone else who had a loved one petrified. Lee thought it was slightly funny to see the boys so anxious, and as much as Angelina wanted to be mad at Honey, she no longer could after seeing the effect that she really had on the two. She looked up to say something to them, only to find them running to the door where a group of people had walked in. Honey found herself in a double bone-crushing hug, and they didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon.

When Honey got home, she decided to spend some time to herself instead of leaving. She was tired, as she had been having nightmares about the basilisk and wasn't getting much sleep. One thing that helped her was being outside, or breaking into her dad's stash of pot. Sometimes she did both, laying in a clearing of flowers in between her house in the Weasleys. That's what she was doing two weeks into summer, when Fred came across her. She looked tired, with a cloud of smoke around her and the pink flowers she laid by. He was no stranger to her habits, but that didn't mean that he liked finding her that way after not seeing her for weeks.

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" He asked, drawing her attention to him. The first thing she noticed was that he was alone.

"Yeah." She said as he got closer. "Where's George?"

"Angelina is over right now. I needed a break." He said smiling. She let out a low whistle and handed him the joint she had in her hand, which he excepted with a laugh. It wasn't something he did often enough for it to be normal, but he needed it after dealing with Angelina all day.

The two of them stayed there together for an hour or so before Fred convinced her to come back home with him. It was still pretty early in the afternoon, so they could sneak in without suspicion from Molly as to what they had been doing because she would know the second she saw them. They made it up the stairs without being caught and entered Fred and Georges room to find that George and Angelina weren't there. Honey made herself comfortable on Fred's bed just as the two of them came back into the room, though neither noticed her there.

"Where have you been?" George asked Fred, before squinting at him. "Are you high?"

"Well..." He started, as Honey started to laugh from her place on the bed. Her laughter spread to him quickly, making George roll his eyes at the two, as Angelina rounded on Honey.

"What are you doing here?" She asked her harshly,

"Laying, thinking about taking a nap. What are you doing here?" She asked, ignoring her mean voice.

"I ran into her in the woods," Fred explained, more for George's sake than Angelina's. "She hadn't come over all summer so I invited her."

"I was gonna show up soon anyway." She admitted with a shrug. "I can't stay away for long or Molly would come  get me herself."

"You should have heard her this morning!" George exclaimed, before putting on his mother's voice. "Where had Honey been? Why isn't she here? Did you lot have a row? Go over and apologize to her if you did because she's the best thing that's ever happened to you boys."

"Did she really say that?" She asked surprised. Angelina awkwardly sat on Georges bed, not believing what she was hearing. She knew that they said she was old friends with the two of them but had always assumed it had been an exaggeration until she came over for the first time the day before, to find that most pictures on the wall that had the twins also had her in it. She felt even more awkward when Molly asked if the two of them were friends that morning. It made her wonder if she had been wrong about her.

Honey left a short time later, not wanting to be around the other girl much longer and not wanting Molly to see her in such a state. She felt happier than she had all summer, because she really had missed them. Spending time alone with Fred, laughing and being happy, lifted the weight off her heart that had been there since she'd been unpetrified. That night she slept soundly without nightmares for the first time all week.

She joined the Weasleys for breakfast the next morning, and everyone was happy to see her. The twins pretended that they didn't see her yesterday, as she explained to Molly that she had just needed some time alone after everything that happened. Angelina had gone that night, so she didn't have to worry about her looming awkwardly over her while she hung out with everyone. When they were alone, Honey explained that she came that day because she was going spend the day with Mable the next, and wanted to stop by. She normally didn't want them to go to her house, because she was self-conscious about her house and the way her father acted, so her request struck them as odd. Honey explained to them the trouble she had been having, how she couldn't sleep and felt scared and alone. She wanted to see them, but didn't have the energy to leave, though she didn't say so. 

Spending time with Mable was way different than she was used too because she wanted to do girl things. Mable's dad dropped the two of them off at a muggle mall where Mable wanted them to get their nails done, and Honey agreed as she'd never done that before. She was a little surprised at the tools they were using to shape and fix up her already long nails, but Mable distracted her by chatting about what she had been up too over the summer. The next place the two went was the makeup store, where Mable insisted on buying Honey eyeliners and shadows for her to play with and lip gloss that wasn't clear. She did that because Honey jokingly told her that she'd learn so she could do Marbles makeup for her when she complained about it taking so long. All in all, she had a really good day, and she could feel just how much her mood had lifted when she got home.

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