Stupid Acorn (31)

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 Honey sat in a tree at the halfway point she was supposed to meet the Weasley's at, waiting for them to get there. Since there were so many people staying at the burrow for the world cup, she opted on staying home and meeting them but of course, they were running late. When she thought she saw them coming up the hill, it turned out to be Amos and Cedric, who were meeting up with them as well.

"Port key is just on the hill" Honey called down at them from the top of the tree. They looked around for a moment before their eyes landed on her.

"What are you doing up there?" Amos asked her kindly


"For what?"

"The Weasleys! Here they come, act like I'm not here!" Honey said, pointing to where they were coming from.

Cedric just leaned against the tree with a smirk, hoping that his father went along with it. Of course, he did and greeted Arthur and his sleepy children happily. Arthur started introducing his kids as Honey quietly dropped leaves on the twins head, and Cedric tried to stop himself from laughing. He nearly lost it when she starting throwing acorns, making them all look at him curiously. Fred gave out a soft, 'stupid acorns' while looking around curiously at George.

"The port key is just that way," Amos said to them, pointing to where it was on the hill. He checked it out while they were waiting for them, to make sure Honey had the right thing.

"Okay kids, let's go!" Arthur said cheerfully.

"What about Honey?" The twins asked together, not moving from their spot under the tree.

"She's been lobbing acorns at you since we got here," Arthur said with a laugh, pointing to her. The twins looked up to see her waving at them, and in sync again, bolted into the tree to get her. "Nope! We have a port key to catch!"

The twins stopped and glared at Honey as she made her way down. Instead of dressing in team colors, she just wore normal clothes. She didn't have a preferred team and didn't want to show bias so she wore a high waisted, white, denim skirt with buttons up the front and a cropped, striped shirt.  She hadn't done anything special with her hair but wore a decent amount of makeup. The only thing that didn't match was her yellow shoes that she carried with her instead of wearing. Cute and comfortable in her opinion, and bloody gorgeous is Fred's, which was exactly what she was going for.

"Good morning" She said cheerfully as they headed up the road, but the two of them didn't seem cheerful, "What's wrong?"

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"Good morning" She said cheerfully as they headed up the road, but the two of them didn't seem cheerful, "What's wrong?"

"Mum confiscated all their candies" Ginny answered for them, as both of them just frowned. 

"Oh no!" She said sympathetically, "You guys worked so hard on those!"

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now