Envy (29)

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"Envy is a reaction to lacking something. Jealousy is a reaction to the threat of losing something"

When Xenophilius got home, he wanted to talk to Luna. She had admitted through letterers that she was confused and torn up about what happened, so Honey went up to her room. It wasn't strange for him to want to just talk to Luna, not that she minded. She couldn't help but wonder if he had really changed his ways, and what that summer had in store for her.

The first of her friends to invite her over was Mable, who wanted her to come over for a few days. Now that she knew about the way her father treated her, like the others, she wanted her away from there as much as possible. Plus, her parents positively adored her. It seemed to was hard for people to hate Honey, with the exception of her father. Though he never stated it, he acted like he did. 

The first time she went to the Weasley's was when she got home from Mable's and wasn't even really for the twins. Molly had owled her that morning because she wasn't feeling well, and asked if she could make breakfast for everyone. If Molly was feeling that bad, Honey would do whatever Molly needed because it was nearly impossible to keep her off her feet. So, she headed over instantly. It was still pretty early, and when Honey brought Molly a mug of tea she couldn't remember what friends the boys had over, but the twins had one of them and Ron too. Arthur had to go into work early which is why he wasn't just doing it, not that Honey minded at all. 

She busied herself in the kitchen making pancakes, which was her fail-safe breakfast because it was so easy to make. The first person to come down was Ron, who had Hermione with him. They were confused at her presence, to say the least, but told her good morning all the same.

"Where's mom?" Ron asked finally

"In bed, she's not feeling well," Honey told him, putting her first batch of batter down. "She owled me to make breakfast for you guys."

"Oh, is she alright?" Ron asked, feeling worried. She didn't get sick often.

"Yeah, of course. Just a little under the weather. Why don't you bring her this and wake up the other's while you are at it?" She asked, handing him a plate that she had made just for her. She liked blueberries in her pancakes, with sunny side up eggs and no syrup.

Ron took the plate from her and went up the stairs, giving her a smile. Hermione opened up a book from her seat at the table, staying quiet. They both looked up when they heard who they knew to be the twins stomping down the stair, and they stopped when they saw Honey there instead of their mom making breakfast.

"Morning," She said to them casually. "Before you ask, your mom's not feeling too well and called me in as a reinforcement. Someone has to feed you guys."

"It's good to see you too," Fred said with a small laugh, sitting down at the table with a small smile on his face. He was filled with an overwhelming sense of love for her, mixed with pleasant surprise at her presence there. He was a sucker for the everyday things.

"I thought you were at Mable's," George said, ignoring Fred's heart eyes that he was looking at Honey with.

"I got home last night" She answered, not turning around but continuing to cook. Her back was turned when Ginny walked in with someone at her side. When she turned back around she saw Angelina, who had yet noticed her.

"Do you like chocolate chips in your pancakes, Angelina?" Honey asked, as if her presence there didn't bother or surprise her at all. Angelina, on the other hand, was completely surprised. 

"Uh... no, I don't" She said, sitting down next to Ginny awkwardly. She wasn't expecting her.

"Can Luna come over later?" Ginny asked her curiously, fixing herself a plate as well as everyone else.

"She's with little Salamander," Honey told her with a small giggle, which Ginny returned.

"Rolf?" She asked her, just to confirm.

"Yes, Rolf. He invited her over to go flying something hunting. I can't remember what it was called but she is excited about it" She told her.  

"I bet" Ginny said excitedly, as Honey sat across from her, finally done. "Have you met him yet?"

"Yeah, I have. I got to meet his dad too" She said, leaning in as if she were telling a secret.

Fred watched the girls gossip from his spot at the end of the table, unaware of his brother and Angelina watching him watch her. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a loose pony tale, with strands of it having fallen out or been forgotten when she made it. She was dressed for the day in summer clothes, pink that day instead of her typical pale yellow. She wore no makeup and smiled effortlessly at Ginny who made a joke about something they didn't understand. He wished he could just go up and hug her or kiss her or hold her hand but he couldn't. Not yet, anyway.

"Has he always looked at her like that?" Angelina asked George curiously, no longer feeling jealous of them. She was just envious, of the kind of affection Fred held for Honey that no one held for her.

"More or less" He answered with a smile. "Watch this"

With that, George tossed a piece of food Fred's way, making him jump when it hit him in the face.

"No throwing food, George" Honey shouted at him from across the table, making them all laugh.

"He was staring" George pointed out.

"Was not!" Fred said defensively. 

"You totally were" Honey told him with a laugh.

"Okay, maybe I was" He said with a smile her way, that only made her smile back. Angelina noticed for the first time that Honey looked at him the same way he looked at her.

"Did you see?" George asked in a whisper when Honey went back to her conversation, and Fred started one with Ron.

"How did I not notice this before?" She asked astonished. "I would have been... nicer to her I guess."

"You should have been from the beginning, but it's not too late" George said to her, "You guy's really would get along."

Angelina doubted what he said, but none the less she excepted Ginny's offer to go hang out with them and Hermione in her room.

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now