Balls (23)

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Charlie dragged Honey all the way to his room, where he threw her onto the bed and shut the door behind him.

"You need to grow some balls" he said instantly.

"Sorry, what?" She asked confused.

"Just tell him you like him!" He said, "I seriously can't take it anymore. I want you guys together so bad! So does everyone else, so just suck it and tell him"

"I don't want to suck it up and tell him just like that" She said to him, her voice quiet.  "That just isn't how it works. I'm not brave enough for that. I'm not confident enough for that. I'll tell him when it feels right to me, because I don't think I can handle him telling me he doesn't feel the same."

"That's the thing, Honey. He won't" He exasperated.

"You don't know that" She said softly,

"Yes I do!" He responded loudly. Honey knew he wasn't lying when he said that, and that he knew something she didnt, but she had enough of the convorsation for the day.

"Charlie, I've had a hell of a day and I just want to go to sleep, alright?" She said, starting to tear up. She couldn't take all the stress she was handling.

"I didn't mean to upset you" he said, taking a seat next to her slowly.

"It isn't that" She said to him, wiping underneath her eyes angrily, wincing when she pulled on the cut on her cheek.

Once the tears started falling, she couldn't get them to stop, and as confused as Charlie was, he knew that he wasn't the one she needed. As Honey tried to pull herself together, Charlie let himself out and went down the stairs where he knew the twins were. Lee had just left, and Fred and George were sitting on the couch completely silent, waiting for Molly to get back and tell them what happened. They were still so surprised.

"Honeys crying" Charlie said, once they looked up at him. In a instant Fred was out of his seat and up the stairs.

He had started walking to Charlie's room, but stopped when he saw the door to his room open. The first thing he saw when he went in was Honey laying down on his bed, holding Tiberius up into the air. He was calm, and just let her hold him up until she cuddled him to her chest.

He shut the door behind him, making her look up at him slowly. He shut it quietly, so it didn't scare her. He still had his shoes on, so he sat on the end of the bed to take them off. Honey sat up, trying to wipe the tears from underneath her eyes. She was about to get up, but Fred had put himself in the space between her and the wall, and put a hand on each side of her hips to pull her back onto the bed with him.  She allowed herself to be pulled into his arms, and wrapped her arms around him calmly.

"I'm okay, you know. Just overwhelmed" She said, not making any move to pull away from him.

He stayed quiet, thinking of what she had said to her father after he hit her. Something about the way she said it and the way she held her ground stuck out to him, and his heart sunk when he realized why. He knew that Xenophilius wasn't the best dad, and got mad at her a lot and yelled, but he never though he would do something like that because Honey never told him.

"Has he hit you before?" He asked her quietly. She didn't have to tell him, because of the way he asked the question or because maybe he didn't actually want to know, but she nodded anyway.

"He doesn't take it too far, and as long as he keeps away from Luna I'm fine with it" She said, her voice cracking slightly when she spoke. "I didn't want you to worry. I can handle it."

"But you shouldn't have too" he said, pulling her closer too him.

That was all that was said, as they laid there for a little while longer. When Molly came in, the two of them went downstairs to see what she had to say about what happened. She of course, turned to Honey instantly, to heal the cut on her cheek that had worsened from her accidentally pulling on it.

"Much better" She said, satisfied. 

Her smile faded completely, and she lifted up Honeys chin gently, shining the light on it differently, noticing what she never had before. Tiny scars across either cheek that were hardly noticeable unless the light shone a certain way, several crescent shaped ones on her neck near her ears- finger nail marks- and a gap in her eyebrow where a scar laid as well. She knew it wasn't from the explosion, because the doctors at Mungo's healed those to where they were gone. These had healed on their own. Molly didn't know what to say as Honey pulled her face out of her hands.

"You are going to stay here for the rest of break" Molly said, her face telling Honey that she had seen what she had kept hidden for so long, but wouldn't say anything. There was nothing that could be said to make it better, and what mattered was that now she knew. "Nothing like this will ever happen again. You and Luna can stay here until your father gets well again."

Honey couldn't do anything but nod and thank Molly for all she had done. She didn't want the boys to find out about how badly her life was outside them. Ginny knew, because Luna told her, but she didn't know about her father abusing her. She was telling the truth when she said he didn't take it too far. He had never broken her bones or almost killed her, but he did throw her around, or hit her, or choke her in a fit of rage, and like she said, as long as he didn't touch Luna she could take it.

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