Funeral Plans (55)

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"So what happened?" Honey asked when they all got serious again. "What's going to happen?"

"Well, I'm sure the order will get busier, and more people will need to be protected," Sirius told her, "and people will get hurt."

"And me?" She asked nervously, "Do you think that she meant what she said?"

"Who?" He asked, leaning in.

"Bellatrix, she said that Voldemort knew about me."

"He what? No one told me that!" Fred said suddenly, pulling away from her abruptly.

"When did she say that?" Sirius asked, waving a calming hand in Fred direction, though it did nothing to soothe him.

"Before she passed me to Malfoy," She said slowly.

"Are you sure?" He asked her,

"Yeah," She said with a nod. Before she could say anything else, Sirius had gotten up from his seat and appreciated away. "Okay..."

They all stayed quiet for a little while, before Honey started up a conversation about something lighter, specifically how the twins made their grand escape. They could worry about the problems later because, for them, their lives were starting that day.

They finally got around to telling Molly what was underneath the shop, and she was shocked, to say the least, and a tiny bit mad at Honey for keeping it from her. When they had her over the next day to show her when turned to Honey instantly.

"You told me you didn't know what was down here!" She said surprised.

"I said I didn't not know what was down here," She said quietly with a nervous smile. She hated keeping it from her, but she was glad she didn't have too any longer.

The process of setting up the shop would be a long one, but none of them minded. Honey liked the idea of having something to do, and that what she was doing was permanent and would be remembered long after she was gone, which wouldn't be that far away. She hid it from the boys, but her condition had gotten a lot worse since they last saw each other. She didn't want them to worry about anything but achieving their dreams.

The funeral for Dedalus Diggle was harder on Honey than she thought it would be. She couldn't stop herself from feeling guilty, because when it came down too it, she was the reason he was dead. She felt even guiltier about the fact that she didn't regret it, as awful as it sounded, she was glad that was him, and not her father. Fred tried to assure her that it wasn't selfish to think that way, but she couldn't help it. Dedalus was buried next to his wife, who had passed away just a year ago, and Honey was glad that they were together again.

It got her thinking about her own death, more than she had been before. She never realized just how much planning went into a funeral, and as morbid as it sounded, she wanted to plan hers. She didn't want her family to have to scramble to make arrangements last minute and instead wanted them not to worry about when the time came. That's why she had the woman who planned Dedalus's funeral, Maria, to owl her so they could make arrangements.

She was surprised, to say the least, but complied none the less. She wasn't use to planning funerals with the person who it was for, but she didn't mind as she met Honey when she joined the order and they were familiar with each other. She also didn't mind keeping it a secret from the other's, because she found it rather sweet that Honey didn't want her family to worry about it.

Having Fred and George back was the best thing that she could have asked for, and helping them with the shop was more fun then she'd anticipated, regardless of the fact she couldn't do much considering that a few weeks after they returned she couldn't use magic anymore. She didn't feel any worse than before like the doctors said she would, she actually felt better. Though that didn't stop her from hiding the fact from the others. They would only worry.

She managed to keep it hidden until she and George were working in the shop and he had knocked something over. It crashed to the floor loudly which made George laugh but her cringe.

"Can you fix that for me?" He asked her absently, not paying much attention from the top of the tall latter he was on.

"No," She said quietly, hoping that he wouldn't hear her. She tried to turn around and walk away before he could question it but she wasn't fast enough.

"Why not?" He asked her curiosly. He didn't think anything of it, mostly because she had been feeling so well lately he almost forgot she was even sick.

"I can't use magic," She said, turning back around to face him. He had come down from the latter and frozen in his tracks, after a moment turning to face her as well.

"It's been a few weeks," She murmmered, "You guys never noticed so I figured it would be best. I feel fine, great even, and you would only worry."

George didn't say anything, thinking back to the past couple weeks where didn't go out of her way to hide it, but just didn't tell them. With a frown on his face he picked up the box on the floor and mended the items, putting it on to the counter and heading upstairs to the flat.

Honey knew what he was doing, as much as she wished she was just storming off. He was going to Fred, so that she could tell him as well. She trudged up the stairs slowly, as expected, to see George waiting expectantly in the living room with Fred who was doing some paperwork at the coffee table.

"I can't use magic anymore," She said, not even bothering to go through any formalities.

"It's about time you said something," Fred said with a small smile, looking up from the work he was doing.

"It really is," George said, a small frown on his face. He knew Fred was just trying to play it tough, but he had brought her up there for a reason.

"You knew?" She asked surprised, "Then why'd you ask me to fix something?"

"I had forgotten," George admitted,

"Honey, you forget that we share a room," Fred said humorously, trying to keep the tone light. "Your wand hasn't moved in weeks. We were waiting for you to tell us."

"Which you should have right off the bat," George pointed out, making her sigh.

"I know, I just didn't want-"

"Us to worry, yeah yeah," Fred said, standing up from the couch. "We can't help you if you don't let us, we want to worry. Now let's go out."

"Is George invited?" George asked curiously, already knowing the answer.



Hi guys. I'm really sorry for the wait on this one, I just haven't been able to write latley. I'm trying really hard, I promise. A big part of me is just worried that I won't be able to write like I used too because all the emotions in this story were based off of my own. The romance and love came from my relationship that, as yall know, just ended pretty badly, and I just don't know if it'll be the same which has made me reluctant to write again. I will not give up though, I refuse too. The updates will keep coming no matter how spaced out they may be because I love writing and I can't wait to get back to myself again, and this is how. Thank you all so much for the support and the comments, you don't know how much it helped me out.

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