Honey Black (59)

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If they had thought that the Order of the Pheonix was in the full swing before, they were completely wrong. It was July and they were already double in size and Honey and the boys had become regulars at the meetings. As much as Honey didn't want to go to the meetings, it became necessary after finding out about Snape's betrayal. They didn't want to risk letting in another spy, which meant that every new recruit was processed with Honey in the room to sort out if they were being honest or not. If they were, they were let in, and if they weren't then their memory was wiped and they were sent on their way knowing nothing but that they failed to get it. The process got old quickly.

Honey was surprised when the order brought in a young girl, not much older than she and the twins were. She looked absolutely terrified, and Honey didn't have to ask her anything to know that she was a death eater too. It broke their hearts to see someone so young on the wrong side of the war. Honey wanted to let her go instantly, but the order wanted to ask her some questions, which Honey needed to be there for. 

"Why have they sent you?" Kingsley Shacklebolt asked when she sat down. One look from Honey told him what he had thought about her being there for ill reasons.  "We will know if you are lying, so you might as well just tell us the truth."

"They sent me here to find out more about Honey," She said, her voice quiet but clear. Honey was glad that Fred and George couldn't make it to that meeting because her father's reaction was bad enough. "They can't find any record of her."

"Where have they been looking?" Sirius asked curiously, not understanding how they didn't find anything.

"Schools, Hospitals, everywhere," She answered. "There's no sign of a Honey Black anywhere."

"What do they think they know about her?"

"She can make you tell the truth," She answered, nearly in a panic. She didn't know what they were going to do to her so she was scared and telling them everything she knew. "Someone heard a conversation at the hospital about her and told the dark lord. He wants her to work for him, that's all I know, I swear. Please don't hurt me."

"We aren't going to hurt you," Honey told her instantly. Then she turned to the others, "Maybe  we could help her and she could help us."

Honey didn't normally have much sympathy for the death eater spies that came through. They were mostly older people who knew better. Occasionally they got someone younger, but they once they were figured out typically showed their true colors. This girl just seemed scared, which was probably why she joined them in the first place, but she also seemed stronger than she looked. Everyone knew exactly what Honey meant by that, as it was not a new subject at all, they just had trouble finding someone they could trust.

"You were willing to spy for them," Honey pointed out, "Would you do it for us if we could guarantee your safety?"

"You can't promise that," She said instantly. Her answer came quickly and showed everyone what Honey had seen before. She was scared, but not defenseless.

"We can more than the other side can," Honey shot back. "They don't care about anyone, much less you. You are disposable to them, and given the chance they will kill you. If they don't kill you, then once the war is over you will be processed as a death eater and put into whatever prison the ministry comes up with next. If you join us, not only do you get protected from harm, you also get to play a hand in stopping those evil people from hurting anyone else. Say yes or say no, but I'm ready to go home so please do it quickly."

"Honey, if you need to go then we can take it from here," Tonks told her kindly from the seat next to her. She had been around much more lately due to the fact Bill was around too. Molly wanted them together as a way of getting Fleur off Bills mind, and Tonks didn't mind it because she could use the company.

"You're Honey?" The girl asked surprised.

"Yes, you sound very surprised," She pointed out.

"I thought you would be... less fragile."

"I'm about to die so I'm not at my best," She answered with a smile. She found it slightly amusing that the death eaters painted her to be tough when she was really falling apart at the seams "With that being said, I want to go home."

"I'll do whatever you need, " She said, her eyes glued to Honey with curiosity. "But I want her to promise me that what she said was true."

"It was true," She answered after  Mad-eye nodded his head, giving her permission.

Honey went home shortly after that, finding Fred and George in their little office brainstorming over something. She had knocked before going in, yet they were still scrambling a little to cover up whatever it was when she came in. She wasn't worried about it, figuring Fred was doing something for the wedding and didn't want her to see. It was only about a month away and approaching quickly. Instead of questioning it, she sat on Fred's lap and started telling the two boys what had happened.

The girl, whose name she found out before leaving was Emma, was going to go back to Voldemort and give him a file. A file on her, which would tell him nothing besides the fact that Honey was sick and going to die. Any personal information on the document was erased and the story was going to bet that Emma had picked it up while no one was looking and that Honey had arrived late which meant that she wasn't there when she was excepted in. If all went as planned, they wouldn't want her anymore because she could literally die any day, because they had changed the predicted date on the document she had been given. The boys didn't like the plan, but there was nothing that they could do about it anymore. 

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