Ask Him (51)

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"Okay, Charlie, I'm dying to know," The boys heard Honey say as they got to her door, "What's the deal with Fred and me?"

"What do you remember?" He asked her, and they heard her scoff,

"I remember we did it, and then we kissed a bunch at Christmas, and you told me to nut up and tell him, but did I?"

"Do you remember anything past Christmas?"

"No! That is why I'm asking you!" She said, getting aggravated. They couldn't see her, but they could see Charlie, who had just noticed them standing at the door. "I swear if we-"

"Why don't you ask him instead of me?" Charlie asked her, pointing to the door and making her turn her head. They expected her to smile, but she just got a confused face, before bursting into laughter. 

"You both look so much older!" She said surprised, making them look at each other.

"What's that supposed to mean?" They asked her together. 

"You grew into your big heads," She said with a giggle.

"They drugged her up good, because of you know, the fall," Charlie told them, stressing the word fall. They knew exactly what he meant. She didn't know that she was sick, and they didn't plan on telling her.

"I woke up and I now have killer boobs," She told them with a nod as if that had anything to do with what Charlie had said. "I'd ask if you wanted to see them but something tells me you already have."

"You are not wrong," Fred told her casually as he sat down next to Charlie with George.

"So we date?" She asked him,

"Of course we do," He said with a smile. They all started laughing when she started doing a little dance in her seat. "When do you get to leave?"

"Once what they gave her wears off," Charlie answered for her, "They'll put her on something different when she gets back that doesn't make her so loopy."

"Sirius Black is my dad now, how weird is that?" She told them instead.

When Remus came back in, the three boys left, saying goodbye to Honey and that they would see her soon. It was weird, her not being able to remember. She seemed the same, but more relaxed in a way, without the weight of her diagnosis on her shoulders. Soon after they left, she had fallen asleep with Sirius at the end of her bed in dog form.

Walking into Grimmauld place was strange for her. She recognized her surroundings, but she didn't have any memory's of them. Sirius got out of his dog form the second they got in, which made her relax as he walked her to her room. It was almost midnight, so even though all the Weasleys were there, the house was dark.

The room he took her to was for her, with her things and pictures, but she didn't remember anything about it even though she felt an emotional response to it. Instead of going inside, she asked him to show her where the bathroom was. He did that, and he and Remus headed down the hall to their room after telling her goodnight. Instead of going to the bathroom, she went to the room he said was for Fred and George. She had seen the light on when they passed, and would rather stay with them instead of alone. She knocked on the door softly, hesitating a little before opening it. 

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now