Every Snowflake is Different (20)

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"Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake" Sara Raasch

After a few more rounds of the game, Molly came up and told them it was time for bed. The rest of the game was fun and filled jokes, laughter, and silly dares. They wanted to have fun and not embarrass each other the whole time. Since Ginny had stayed at Hogwarts, Honey would be sleeping in her room while she stayed, instead of with the twins like she normally did.

She didn't mind, but she did at the same time. She liked sleeping close too Fred, but the farther away from temptation she is the better. She was only one floor up from them, and if they spoke loud enough could talk through the floor, which they did until Charlie told them to shut up. Tiberius decided he wanted to stay with Fred, since he was with Honey every night. When the two boys fell asleep she knew because she could hear their snoring from where she was as well. She forced herself to go to sleep before she let her brain run wild.

Honey woke up extra early the next morning, so she decided that she would help Molly on the kitchen with breakfast. She loved to cook, especially with Molly who took the time to teach her if she asked. When the boys went to see if Honey was awake, they knew they would be able to find her in the kitchen when they didn't find her in bed. It was too early for breakfast to be done, but Fred went down anyway while George went back to bed.

He sat down at the table next to Charlie, who was reading the paper next to his father, though he wasn't interested in them. He was interested in Honey, who was flipping a pancake with a look of concentration on her face. The sleeves of her- one size too big- Weasley sweater were rolled up past her elbows, and it was absolutely adorable to him. He was torn away from her when something hit him hard on the side of the face. Charlie was staring at him expectantly, on the other end of a bowl of blueberry's.

"You were staring" He said plainly, and loudly. Arthur looked up from his paper to see a red Fred sitting there.

"He always is" Honey said from behind him, not even turning away from where she was still making pancakes. Fred's face turned even redder, but he managed a smile. Molly and Arthur exchanged a smile of their own, knowing that all they wanted was for them to be together.

"Whatever, good morning" He said with a grin.

He wasn't afraid of her catching him looking at her, because she knew why he did it. He told her so on the night they spent together, that sometimes he just couldn't look away from her because she was so beautiful. She admitted to doing the same, and since then it didn't matter when or how the other was looking, because she wouldn't stop him if he wouldn't stop her.

After eating breakfast, they all got dressed in their warmest cloths and went outside were it was snowing hard and had been since they arrived. Honey went right to the ice while the four boys wanted to have a snowball fight. Mostly because she wanted them to have time together, but also because she loved to ice skate. Honey skating proved to be an advantage to the boys as Fred often got distracted by her. Eventually, they dragged her into it though.

When they got tired of snowball fighting, they decided to make snow forts for their next war. Honey always was the best at this and had her a mini house built and was sitting down in the snow behind it, watching the snowflakes fall from the sky, for once unaware of Fred watching her. He had come into her snow fort and was sitting next to her.

"What's so interesting up there?" He asked her, making her jump up in surprise a little.

"They say that every snow flake is different, and I think that's amazing" She said to him, a small grin on her face. "There are so many of them!"

The overwhelming urge to kiss her surfaced again, as she rambled on about all the patterns snowflakes could have. In his head he thought of how it felt to kiss her, and how it felt to hold her and show her what he felt for her even though he never told her, and nothing became of it. He brought his face closer to hers, so close that they could feel each others warm breath, and it caused Honey to stumble over her words.

"You were saying?" He asked her, ever so quietly. His nose brushed against hers gently and if her cheeks would have turned pink if they weren't already.

"I don't even know" She admitted, her eyes flickering down to his lips for a moment, a grin placing itself on her own. "You destracted me"

"Is that a good or a bad thing?" He asked her, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, you could distract me more" She told him, which made him smile. Without a moments hesitation he pressed his lips against hers, and brought his hand around her waist as she put hers on his neck.

The contact seemed to warm both their bodies and their souls, and the freezing cold air around them didn't seem as cold. The whole world seemed to melt away because the only thing that mattered anymore was the person in front of them. The two of them lost their balance, and fell into the snow but Honey only used this as an opportunity to put herself on top of him and deepen the kiss. He wasn't complaining in the slightest, and he gripped her hips tightly with his gloved hands.

They heard Bill give a shout from being hit by a snowball, and all at once they remembered where they were. They didn't pull away abruptly, but slowly. They looked into each others eyes for a moment, still trying to shake of the haze that came with their actions, and with a smirk Honey grabbed a handful of snow from the side of Fred's head and sprinkled it over his face, making him laugh.

In a second he had Honey flipped underneath him and was doing the same to her, both of them laughing happily. That started up another snowball fight, when Honey tried to run away from him and the snowball he threw hit Charlie. They could talk about it another time if they needed too, because they were both afraid of saying the wrong thing and bringing an end to it all. What they had now was fine, although confusing.

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