Sad Faces are Banned (43)

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Dumbledore decided to let Honey go home with Sirius early, which confused Molly. All the boys had been sent away to their dorms when he had told her, but since Molly decided to stay she heard.

"Why wouldn't you go home?" She asked her curiously.

"Xenophilius told me he wasn't my dad and to never come back," Honey told her simply. She wasn't in the mood to sugar coat anything. "Sirius offed for me to stay with him."

"If he's not your dad, then who is?" She asked confused, just trying to put all the pieces together.

"I am," Sirius told her from his seat next to her. "It's a long story."

"When did this happen?" 

"Well I was born in September, so sometime around January, I suppose," Honey answered humorously. 

"Oh! You know what I mean!" Molly said with a smile. Her smile was nice to see and made Honey feel a little better inside as she was the first one to smile since she had been told the news.

"I figured it out around Christmas. Her mom isn't something we typically talk about, but when she sent me a picture from the ball I recognized the dress. She looks so much like her mother I'm surprised I never figured it out before," Sirius answered with a soft smile of his own. He never in a million years thought he would have a daughter, and he was so proud to have Honey. 

His smile turned into a painful one when he remembered why he was there in the first place, and that no matter how proud he was of her being his daughter, he couldn't change the fact that she was going to die soon. He took a deep breath, determined to keep himself together. He had to stay strong for her. 

"Stop making that face," She told him instantly. "Sad faces are from now on banned."

"Alright," He said, holding his hands up in defense. "I'll stay here with Harry, and you can go pack your things to go, okay?"

"Can't we have like a house elf do it?" She asked curiously. "I don't want to have to explain to Mable and Cedric why I'm leaving."

"Already done," Dumbledore told her, "Would you like us to inform them as well?"

"Yes, please. I don't think I'm very good at it," She said softly. Dumbledore just nodded his head and walked away. 

They planned to leave in the morning, as it was already very late at night and Honey was feeling off still form all the tests that had been done on her. She was worried about her friends, and couldn't help but wonder how they were taking the news. After having the night to adjust, she figured it would be best to talk to them before she took off, and Sirius agreed. Molly had gone home that night, knowing that Charlie would be there and must have told Arthur by then.

The first place Honey went when she got up was the Ravenclaw common room. Flitwick had pulled Luna aside that night and told her, and let Honey know that she seemed unsurprised by the news. The two of them hadn't spoken much since Christmas, but she felt it was important to speak to her in person. She was sitting in the common room by the fire, with a slightly red face. Honey sat down next to her, causing her to look up.

"You are the best sister I could have ever asked for," She said simply, putting her head on Honey's shoulder. She couldn't help but smile at that, because she still wasn't sure about how she felt about that subject. "We will all make it through this."

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now