Void Questions and A Shell Cottage (64)

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The sound of appriation jolted the group from their frozen stupor. It had been nearly 20 minutes since they left with Honey, and in that time they were able to interrogate everyone about Harry's whereabouts. They looked up to see that the death eater had dropped Honey to the ground and snapped at everyone, making them leave. The room was silent again except for the sound of Honey coughing violently where she sat as Fred tried to help her up.

Her clothes were splattered with blood, but so was Fred, which after a moment of panic made them realize that it was coming from her throat. The doctor said that he didn't know how her body would react to appriation, now they knew. She weakly held onto Fred as she tried to gain control of her breathing and with the help of a spell from him she finally did. They knew that she was probably too weak at that moment to say anything so they didn't question her as she sipped from the glass of water that George had handed her.

"Appriation," She explained for those who might not have understood by then,  "They didn't hurt me, I'm fine."

"Fine? You are spitting up blood and left me on our wedding night to chit chat with You-Know- Bloody- Who and you're fine?" Fred asked her in an angry voice. They were taken aback by his tone, but not surprised. He had every right to be upset with her and she was being very nonchalant about the whole situation.

"Yes, I am fine," She said, putting the glass she was holding down onto the coffee table. "because he won't be after me anymore. He wanted the spell that my mother made to make me always tell the truth in exchange for "allowing me to die with my loved ones in peace."

"Did you give it to him?" Sirius asked, being the only one brave enough too. They didn't want her to think that they doubted her, but she was there and unharmed so she had to have done it.

"The spell wasn't made to make me tell the truth, it was made to be cast on a button and used as a lie detector that would beep when someone lied," Honey told them. That was the first time any of them were hearing that, but they understood why she never told them. The subject wasn't one that she liked to talk about. "That made the question void because there was no spell for that specific thing he said. It was as if he never asked a question to me at all."

"What did you do?" Fred asked her confused. If she hadn't given him the spell, what had she done?

"I gave him a spell that only exploded. He had no reason to think that his question had been wrong enough for me to not have to answer, meaning he had no reason to double check that I had given him the correct spell," She explained. "He knows that the spell exploded and killed my mom and hit me making the spell transfer to me, and hopefully will just assume that he didn't do something correctly as it was really chance that things turned out the way that they did."

"I married a genius," Fred said happily, kissing her on the cheek. The only thing left for them to worry about was making sure to fake her death at the right time so they didn't realize that the files they had were tampered with, but first, they would focus on the honeymoon.

The honeymoon wouldn't be anything big as Honey didn't do well with travel and was very weak, but they were sure to have fun. They were going to shell cottage, the house that Bill had inherited from one of their uncles and passed onto them as a wedding gift unknowingly to Honey. It was a nice house on the beach with nothing surrounding them for miles besides sand and ocean. Honey was also unaware that while she was getting ready that morning, the others had taken all their things from the flat and moved them into the other house. 

When Honey requested to go, it suddenly didn't feel like a good idea to move out without telling her. She had already been through a lot and it was possible that a surprise wasn't what she needed at that moment.  Though, Fred knew that it was still a good idea, cause it was just what she needed to cheer up. With a smirk the two of them said goodbye, ignoring the look they were getting from Sirius as it was still their wedding night and he knew what happened on those. She had forgotten about the Honeymoon plans until Fred asked if she still wanted to go, to which she answered of course too, so he covered her ears when they got into the fireplace to floo there. 

Shell Cottage wasn't a place she was unfamiliar with. She had gone there with the family quite a few times during their childhood and it was a place that she loved. When Fred removed his hands from her eyes after leading her to the porch, she was very pleased to be there. He had faced her towards the beach looking at the water, and when she turned around he held a set of keys in each hand.

"It's ours," He said softly with a grin. 

"Ours?" She asked, just to ensure that she was hearing him correctly. When he nodded she couldn't stop herself from attacking him with a hug. "I love this place so much!"

"I know, Bill did too, it's why he gave it to us as a wedding present," He said, hugging her back with the strong feeling that he just never wanted to let go. "Everything is here already, so there isn't much left to do."

Honey was extremely excited that they were given the cottage, and Fred was happy too. She had always loved nature and had said so herself that she would like to spend as much time with it as she could before she died. Shell Cottage seemed like the perfect place for her to do that. It was beautiful and so were the memories that she and Fred shared there, as well as the ones that they would over the next few months.

Authors note: The ending has been chosen, so it should be smooth sailing from here. Thank you to everyone who commented with their theories and suggestions, and I hope the ending I have chosen is one that you all will like, eventually at least.

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