Honesty Hours (37)

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Honey was the only one in her dorm room, while all the other girls were downstairs enjoying the party that was set up to celebrate Cedric's achievement. She stayed for a while but wanted to get her father's letter out of the way first. She sat on her bed and opened the legal document again. It was an emancipation form, for her to be her own legal guardian. His signature was already there, on the line where it said current guardian, instead of the line that said, father. It raised questions, to say the least. The other letter was one from him, written in poison green ink.

Dear Honey,

I can't take care of you anymore. I tried, for your mother's sake, but when I look at you I am only reminded of the mistakes I made in the past. Pandora was your mother, and I am not, nor have I ever been your father. When we were newly married, she left me, coming back four months later, two months pregnant with you. You look more and more like her with every passing day, and I can't take it anymore. Thing's are better this way, for all of us. If you don't mind, I would like to be the one to tell Luna when she comes home for Christmas, and I'll have her pack your things for you to pick them up after school.

She put the letter down on the bed, trying to wrap her head around the information. It made sense, as much as she hated to admit it. It explained why he was always so cruel and unkind to her, and why even when she was a child he tried to stay away. He was right, things would be better this way, for Luna at least. She would figure something out, she had too.

She turned to the legal document and signed her name on the line she was meant too, using Mable's owl to send without another thought. She wasn't that upset about it, but that didn't stop her from joining the party for the sole purpose of getting drunk and dancing until she couldn't remember anything.

She did exactly that, not telling her friends why she suddenly felt the urge to drink when she had just said she would pass. She didn't want to ruin Cedric's achievement with her sad life, so she and Mable got to the dancing.

She woke up the next afternoon in her own bed, with a killer headache. She instantly regretted her decision but was glad that she could remember most of the night. She remembered Fred and George showing up, and dancing with them, and luckily she and Fred didn't do much else but dance, because she went upstairs. The only thing she did regret was sending a drunken letter to Sirius, explaining what her father told her, and she instantly got up to mail him an apology, ignoring the pounding headache that she had.

Honey didn't know how to tell her friends about what happened, so she didn't. It would only make them worry. Speaking of worry, she got a letter back from Sirius that night saying that he was in Hogsmeade and requested that she come and visit him so that they could talk about it properly because as okay about it as she seemed, he knew she wasn't. She was happy he was going, but mostly because she knew that Harry needed him.

"Honey," Ron said, as she sat down next to Fred and George. He was surprised there with the twins, "Did Harry put his name in the goblet?"

"Harry, did you put your name in?" She asked him from across the table.

"No," He said tiredly, rolling his eyes at Ron. He was telling the truth.

"No, he didn't Ron," She told him. Ron knew that Honey couldn't lie as well, so he got up and went to sit with Harry, starting off with a big fat apology. Normally she didn't like being used for her ability, but she didn't mind then because she knew that it was one of the only things that would get Ron to talk to him.

Honey snuck into Hogsmeade after class, using one of the secret passages that the twins had shown her, and made her way to where Sirius was carrying two bottles of butterbeer. It was cold out and she figured he could use something warm. He heard her coming, so went out to meet her using his dog form. He took her to a cave where he had a fire going, much to her delight.

"Hello again," She said with a smile, handing him a butterbeer.

"Hello!" He said, pulling her into a hug, much to her surprise. She didn't mind it though. "Thanks!"

"You're welcome. How's everything been?" She asked, taking a seat by his fire.

"Good. Remus and I just started staying at my old house, which is way better than where we were before" He said, "But we aren't here to talk about me. Have you got a plan yet?"

"Uh, no," She admitted, busting herself with her drink.

"You'll stay with me then," He told her, making her smile.

"Thank you, Sirius, but-"

"Honey, I understand what you're going through, and that it's hard to accept what I'm offering, but you need a place to stay and I have one!" He told her with a soft voice, "When my parents kicked me out, I was a little younger than you, and James made me the same offer. I didn't want to take it, even though I didn't have any other options. I don't want you to have to worry about it the way that I did, because you'll always have a place for me just like I did with James. I insist."

She stayed silent for a moment, wanting to refuse him again without knowing why. She knew that Molly would take her in if she told her what happened but really didn't want to have to do that because she knew that they were tight on money. She realized that he was right, she did need that, and she felt her eyes start to well up for the first time since the situation started. Sirius didn't know why she was really kicked out because Honey didn't feel like it was necessary to tell him that Xenophilius wasn't really her dad.

"Thank you" She said to Sirius, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen. This time it was her that hugged him, and he hugged her back, making her cry even harder. Sirius was there for her more than Xenophilius had ever been. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize for crying, Honey," He said, patting her head comfortingly. She pulled away with a smile and wiped away all her tears.

"I'm okay now. Everything's okay."


HOLY HELL GUYS WE JUST HIT 10 THOUSAND. Thank you all so much for reading and supporting me, and I love you guys so much!

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