Change of Perspective (66)

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Tonks had spent nearly every day at Honeys side as she waiting for her appointment to confirm her pregnancy, though that meant that she was spending a lot of time at The Burrow where Bill happened to be staying as well. She was nervous to go home and for her mother to spot the difference in her attitude or appearance, more than she was Bill. 

When Ginny got back, being picked up by her parents at the platform, they were horrified to see the state she was in. She had been turned black and blue with multiple stages of healing with stories to accompany each one. The worst part was that there was nothing that any of them could do about it. Hogwarts belonged to the death eaters. They could only continuously hope that Harry would soon be victorious. 

Harry had no idea when his journey would come to a close but he hoped just as much as the rest of them that it would be soon. They had only found one Horcrux and continued to have no idea how to destroy it. That mixed with the overheard news of Honey's death made it progressively harder to keep the faith. 

When hiding away in a forest they had no clue what the name was, a small group of death eaters began to stumble around near where they were camped. They spoke so loudly that they could be heard even from the distance that they were. They didn't address her by name but there was no denying that who they spoke of was her as no one else had the ability that she had. Ron did not take kindly to the news- he wanted to attack the death eaters just for saying it but was stopped by Harry who took him into his arms where he instantly broke down in tears. 

Had Hermione not put up sound barriers their location would have been found instantly because Ron didn't hold back. He had been begging to get back in fear that she would die while he was away- it had become his worst fear, even over spiders- and his worst fear had come true right when he began to believe it wouldn't.

Not knowing how is family was holding up was enough to drive him insane, not to mention that when wearing the Horcrux he was filled with such intense anger with himself for not giving her a better goodbye. It was what drove him to leave Harry and Hermione and go back to his family no matter what it took. They already wouldn't have Honey for Christmas, they didn't need to be missing another member of the family.

After hours of travelling, he stumbled upon the familiar town near his childhood home and was filled with a sense of belonging like he never had before. He thought he missed home before but that didn't compare to what he felt then, mere miles away. The last ten minutes were the worst for him as he was so close yet so far and the closer he got the more worried he became about what he would find. There was a chance that they wouldn't even be there, or that someone else had passed away in his absence. 

A knock on the door caused ever person at the Weasley's dinner table to fall silent from their chatter. Everyone who was meant to be there was accounted for so the knock could only mean trouble. Arthur took the lead, angry at the thought that someone would disrupt their Christmas dinner, and nearly tore the door off its hinges when he threw it open. Stood there with wide eyes was none other than Ronald Weasley.

His eyes scanned the kitchen quickly with a smile that fell when he landed on Honey. She was sat on Fred's lap to make up for the lack of chairs, not that it mattered considering she weighed next to nothing those days. 

"Honey? You- you aren't dead?" He said, ignoring the wand pointed at his face by his father. "You're alive- I-"

Honey pushed herself off Fred's lap and made her way over to the boy who was so overwhelmed by his emotions that his legs gave out underneath him. She pulled him into her frail arms making everyone in the room relax. Honey knew an imposter and if she were certain it was him, so were they. Even so, not even the best actor in the world could put on such a show.

"I thought you had died. We overheard some talking- I never got to say goodbye!"

Once Ron finally calmed down, having broken down again when hugged by his mother and father, they sat him at the table with them and listened to his story between his mouthfuls of food. He spared no detail, except the ones pertaining to what they were doing out there. It was shocking for them to finally know what he had been doing, as well as for Ginny, and it gave them a grander perspective on just how bad things actually were. 

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