Champions (37)

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None of them understood why they had to stand out in the cold to greet their guests, but there they were. Mable was complaining the most, underneath a hundred layers of clothes, while Honey was content hugged to Fred. She was still cold, but happy, and so was he. 

"Did I mention that Demetri is going to come for the tournament?" Mable said suddenly.

"No, you didn't," Honey said with a laugh.

"Did you guys end on bad terms or something?" Cedric asked, watching Fred roll his eyes and hug Honey a little closer.

"No, we didn't. It was just awkward."

"Awkward how?" Mable asked, "You never told me the details."

"Us either," The twins said together.

"He told me he loved me," She said casually.

"Really?" Mable asked surprised, "and you broke up with him because of it?"

"It was more complicated than that" She answered, putting her chin on Fred's shoulder to look at Mable who was directly behind them. She obnoxiously looked at Fred, knowing that he wouldn't see it before continuing, "He knew I wasn't fully into the relationship, and that I didn't love him."

"Even then?" Cedric asked surprised himself, making her laugh. Her laugh made Fred smile, even though he didn't understand why she was laughing, because he could feel it.

"Even then" She confirmed, hugging Fred tighter.

"You're awfully cuddly today" Fred pointed out, hugging her back without hesitation.

"You're warm," She said innocently  "And not complaining."


The other schools arrived after that, each of them arriving in a more dramatic way than the last. They all entered the great hall together, and Honey was a little surprised when Demetri sat down with her, Mable and Cedric. She cast a look at the twins, showing her slight aggravation, and Fred gave her a comforting smile. She wished she could escape and sit with him, but she wasn't allowed. All the girls oogled over Demetri as the four of them sat quietly listening to Dumbledore. When he was done, the food appeared.

"So, Honey," Demetri said, making her look up curiously. "How long have you and Fred been together?" 

"We aren't together," She told him quietly. She could tell he was only trying to start conversation and break the ice around them.

"You're joking, right?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, why not?"

"I don't know" She answered with a shrug, cracking a small smile at how he threw his arms up jokingly.

"You don't know? You broke up with me for him!" He said with a smile.

"I did not!" She told him with a small laugh.

"Look, he's glaring now. He's jealous!" He said, making Honey laugh again when she snuck a glance to see that he was,

"It's complicated," She said with a smile, though her face turned red.

"Mable, is it really complicated?" He asked her.

"No! It's not!" She answered loudly.

Fred continued to watch, hating that he made her blush.  Rolling his eyes he finally turned back to his food, ignoring the look George was giving him. George opened his mouth to say something, but Fred stopped him

"Don't even start," he said, giving him a look.

The next morning he was pleased when Honey sat down next to him for breakfast, looking as sleepy as ever. 

"Morning," She said quietly, greeting them with a small smile.

"Good morning," Fred said, smiling back, as George just nodded because his mouth was full and Lee waved. 

He knew she wasn't sleeping well, because of Moody's lesson on the unforgivable curses had given her nightmares. She was a sensitive girl and knowing that Moody was giving her the complete wrong vibe made her scared. Something wasn't right with his, or the tournament, or anything. Everything just felt wrong to her that year. All her worries vanished when Fred gently placed his hand on hers, making her smile once more. He always knew what to do to make her feel better.

When it came time for the champions to be chosen, Honey sat there hoping that none of her friends would get chosen. Cedric, Angelina, and Demetri had put their names in, much to her dismay. She was about to open the thick letter that had just been delivered by her father when Dumbledore announced that the goblet was almost ready to make its decision.

She decided to open the letter then, knowing she had a few minutes and burning with curiosity. He hardly ever sent her letters, much less one that thick. There were two papers folded into the envelope, one made of parchment and the other of thick, white paper. She unfolded that one first, to find it was a legal document from the ministry of magic. He was 'revoking his guardianship', according to the heading on the paper. Honey just closed the paper and put it in her bag, deciding to deal with it later. The champions were about to be chosen anyway.

The first name to be pulled was Fleur Delacour, a pretty girl from Beauxbatons. She seemed strong, compared to the other girls at her school at least. Even then boys there seemed to be fragile.  She couldn't help but tense a little when the goblet spit out another name and relax when it was Victor Krum.  She and Mable pat Demetri on the back in mock comfort when they were done cheering for Victor, though it wasn't such a big surprise that he was chosen. Honey was full on holding her breath when the Hogwarts champion's paper shot from the goblet, and into Dumbledore's hands.

"The champion for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is," He shouted to the silent room before him, "Cedric Diggory!"

Mable and Honey cheered the loudest out of everyone in the great hall, even though neither one of them were happy about it in the slightest. Cedric was happy, and that's all that they needed to support him with everything they had. When he finally disappeared into the champions room, the two girls sat down.

"Well damn," Mable said with a small laugh. Both of their smiles faded when another paper shot out of the goblet, baring the name of Harry Potter.

"You could say that again," Honey said with a frown.

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now