Crazy, Stupid, Love (56)

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The impending war did not stop Fred and George from opening up their shop- if anything it encouraged them. They were even more determined to get their products out because they knew that people would need a good laugh, and soon enough they would be hard to come by.  When it came time to stock the shelves, Molly stopped coming around as often as she did before. She was nervous about her boys putting themselves out there like that and scared that it wouldn't work out. They seemed confident, and that helped, but it was all very overwhelming for her, and they understood that. They knew she would see the finished shop on opening day, which was set for August 5, 1996.

As the opening day got closer and closer, the twins became very anxious and worried over the smallest things, but once Honey assured them that it was perfect, they started to relax. Though, they were awake before the sun on the morning of opening day. Honey was beyond glad that she was feeling good that day, and couldn't thank her body enough. She wanted to be there for them all the time but sometimes her body put up a fight. She made them breakfast as soon as she noticed that they were awake too, and she even made some for Lee who she knew would be coming. He was just as much in it as the twins were, and already in his magenta colored robes that they had made as a uniform. They had made some for her too, mostly because she insisted that she help them when she was feeling well and wouldn't take no for an answer.

"That color really does look good on you," Honey said to Fred in attempts to calm his nerves. He was jumping around the kitchen while she cleaned up, and stopped to pull her into his arms.

"This is crazy," He said with a huge smile on his face as he shook her by the waste making her giggle.

"You've earned this," She said, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him in. Just when their lips were about to touch, George came running into the kitchen.

"There are people waiting outside already!" He yelled, before running back out. Fred laughed and gave Honey a passionate kiss before following behind George.

She sighed and leaned against the counter thinking about how she wished she would never have to leave. She was happy and knew she would die happy at Fred's side, but she worried every day about Fred's happiness when she was gone. She sighed again and pushed herself off the counter, heading down the stairs while telling herself to shake it off. Today was not the day to dwell on it.

The shop looked amazing, with things whizzing about or making noise. It was everything and more, and she was so proud of them. Mr. Zonko was too and even closed down his shop for the day so that the twins could have their moment. They didn't know it but he was going to stop by to congratulate them and to see their shop for himself. He knew how much of an inspiration he had been to the two boys throughout the years and was glad he could help them make their dreams come true.

From open to close, they were all busy on their feet helping customers. The turn out was huge, bigger than they expected, and they could only hope that it would stay that way. Molly and Arthur came by, but the boys didn't get to speak with her for very long because of how busy they were, and the two parents could tell how happy they were. Honey took a break so she could speak with them a little, and promised to tell the boys that they would stop by again after close to celebrate with them, and of course to scold them about the sign that they had in the window that said:




"Marry me," Fred said to Honey suddenly that night, while they were all around the dinner table at Molly's.

 They had gone there to celebrate and while everyone looked at him in surprise, he was only looking at Honey. The adults all knew that he was going to ask her and had no idea what she was going to say. The others who didn't know, who were Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Harry, and Charlie who had gotten there that night, where sitting in surprise as well. Luna was there as well, and while she didn't know, she had guessed as much.

"Have you had too much to drink?" She asked, taking the glass he was holding out of his hand with a smile. She knew it didn't have any alcohol in it since they weren't drinking anymore but didn't know what else to say.

"No, I'm serious," He told her, "I asked your dad and everything."

"He did!" Sirius said from his spot on the couch. He was the only one that dared say anything at that moment as George handed Fred something he had been carrying in his pocket.

"Fred, we have talked about this," She told him seriously, stopping him from showing her what was in his hand. She knew what it was, of course she did, but they had talked about it before and she thought he understood.

"You talked, I listened," He said jokingly, which made her laugh. She didn't look slightest bit surprised or awkward and spoke as though they were having a regular conversation when they weren't anywhere near it. "You want to marry me, right?"

"Of course I do, but-" She started, but he interrupted her.

"But what? You're gonna die?" He asked her, "I don't care about that. I'm asking you anyway, aren't I?"

"She's worried about the paperwork," George told the group, which made them crack a smile at least. They were too focused on what Honey was going to say to laugh or to think about how she was right and there would be paperwork.

"I don't mind the paperwork," Fred told her quietly with a smile. In his mind and hers, they were the only ones in the room.

"Ask me again," She whispered, wiping a stray tear from her face. She was very overwhelmed at the moment, as she was filled with happiness and sadness. She had wanted this for as long as she could remember, but she hated that it wouldn't last.

"Honey, will you marry me?" He asked, that time getting on his knee and opening the velvet box he held in his hand. 

"Yes I will, stupid."

Honey Bee *Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now