Chapter 2: My date?

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"What?!" I shouted into the phone. "Phana, are you fucking insane?"

"I really think it would be a good idea Kit." He explained, with a soft sigh into the phone.

"How is going on a double date with you and Nong Wayo a good idea?!" I exclaimed.

"I feel that Yo would feel more at ease with Ming there with him Kit." He huffed, "you know I hate to make him feel uncomfortable."

"But it's Ming, Pha," I tried to explain. "How do you expect me to be his date?"

"Its just a party Kit! You'll only have to go there with him, you don't even need to spend the entire night with him." he persuaded, though it wasn't very convincing. "Beam is going too!"

"Great! Ask him to be Ming's date." Though the idea of Ming and Beam hand in hand wasn't a nice thought to me, it was still better than having me trying to hide my blush all through Pha's parent's engagement party.

"You know he likes you Kit, he wouldn't go with Beam." He huffed clearly irritated with me. "And anyway, Beam's going with P'Forth."

"Then just don't invite Ming!"

"Then Yo'll feel uncomfortable there. You know how he gets when he's surrounded with people he doesn't know."

"I don't know how he gets because he's not my boyfriend!" I shouted, jumping to lay down on my bed.

Just how long did we have to keep this up? Pha clearly wasn't giving up, and neither was I going to! No way in hell was I going to go as Ming's date and embarrass myself all night. No thank you!

"Wayo would know people there. Beam's going, I'm going, Forth's going." I paused for a second, "you're fucking going! He knows all of us."

"I know that Kit! But we're not his age! Ming's his best friend. I know he would enjoy himself more if Ming came along too."

"Then just invite him without a date!"

"He wouldn't go then."

"Don't be ridiculous. He would go if Yo asked him."

"Yo already did, and so did I."


"He politely declined."

"Why?" I was confused now.

"He said he would feel out of place. He doesn't know all of us that well except for you and Yo. I'm sure if you asked him to go as your date he would agree."

"No he wouldn't."

"How do you know?" He challenged. Damn his persistence.

"I don't," I sighed, "but I'm hoping he doesn't."

"I'll do anything Kit," Pha begged, "please?"

"Fine." I gave in finally, knowing fully well Pha was not giving up anytime soon. He would really do anything for his Yo. It was cute...but annoying.

"Thank you Kit ka-" I hung up before he could finish, and chucked my phone on my bed slightly away from me.

Now I just had to find a way to ask Ming if he could be my date to Phs's parents' party without embarrising myself, or seeming too desperate.


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