Chapter 33: Breaking into a surprise

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I know this isn't what you guys wanted, based on reviews from the last chapter. However, when I did try to write it, I found myself at a loss for words, and with a very red face.

There I go exposing my awkward self. Hahah anyway hope I didn't disappoint any of you. I promise to try my luck again in the future chapters.

I stood outside my room, groaning as I tried to fish my keys out of my pocket.

Well it turns out they weren't in my dammed pocket to begin with. How was I supposed to get inside my room now!?

So I did the first thing that popped in my head, I kicked the door, and then I called Pha.

"Hi Kit?" His cheery voice greeted me, "missing me already, we only just got back."

"No you idiot! I wouldn't be calling you right now if it wasn't an emergency." I rolled my eyes.

"Well it's great to know that I'm being loved," He bit out sarcastically, before he cleared his throat, "anyway what's the emergency?"

"I'm locked out of my dorm room."

Cue the laughing fit.

"H-how?" He asked between laughs.

If he was standing next to me, I would have hit him about the head already.

"I lost my fucking key!"

"You're not one for losing things."

"Well I did, and now I can't get into my room." I huffed, "and to think I was so excited to finally be back from that crap trip."

"Well do you have a spare key?"

"A what?" I scoffed.

"You know a spare key," Pha explained, "that you keep under your carpet at the entrance, or in a flower pot next to the door?"

"Do I?" I laughed, "I'm not some grandma Pha come on be serious here. I'm in a dire situation." I scolded him.

I could hear him sigh, "I'm not a grandma."

Huh, guess he had a spare key then.

There was silence for a few seconds, before I burst out, "what am I going to do?!"

"Okay okay, gees I'm on my way."

And to think he would have reacted sooner.

"Thank you." I sighed, curtly pressing end call.

A few minutes later and Pha was next to me, panting and out of breath.

"You didn't have to run you know." I shook my head at him, dismissively.

"And what?" He wheezed, "have you shout at me for getting here so slow. No thank you."

"Alright," He said, standing upright again after slouching to get his breath back, "what do you want me to do?"

I looked at him pointedly, "are you fucking serious right now?"


"I called you here because I thought you would know what to do!"

"I really don't."

I slumped down in defeat.

"Maybe I should try breaking the door?"

"No! I don't want my door to be snapped in half you dweeb."

"Then we have to call some key expert to make you another key."

"That'll take ages." I whined, "Where will I sleep tonight then?"

"Ming's room," Pha wiggles his eyebrows at me, "it's a win win situation."

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