Chapter 14: Slimy chicken

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As soon as Pha dashed out the room in a blink, I was hot on his heels.

The fool had to pay!

I had clearly told him that it was going to be me who explained to his lovely parents how I was dating Ming aka their niece's ex. However, he had just decided to tell them himself without even consulting me first!

Ohhh he was so dead.

I chaced him around his huge mansion of a house endlessly. To be honest I was starting to get tired but there was no way I was giving up anytime soon. I had to get him...and then make him suffer.

I chuckled at the thought of having sweet revenge as I willed my feet to go faster.

Unfortunately for me, I had short legs compared to Pha's daddy long legs. (It's a spider with huge legs lol.) So there was certainly a sizeable distance between us.

Not for long though, I thought wickedly.

I ignored the looks we got, as we zoomed past gests, spewing nonsense at one an other as we went.

To be honest it was entertaining...for me anyway, and some of the gueats I suppose, as I heard chuckling quite a few times already. Pha probably wanted to die right about now.

"Kit! Just stop already you midget!" Pha shouted, as he continued to run away from me.

"How about a no, you fish brain." I snapped back.

"Ahhh!" He shouted, as I managed to grab at the end of his suit.

Finally I got him.

That thought was short lived, as he pulled away from me and continued to run.

That slimy chicken.

"Giver up already you annoying fly." he shouted as he dodged another table.

"Over my dead body I'm letting your ass get away."

I continued to chase him, and I was just about to get the bastard, when I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my bottom and back.

Next thing I knew I was on the floor with a huge thud, and I was sure then that I was getting a lot of looks.

Well wasn't this party just going absolutely perfect for me?

I opened my eyes suddenly, which I never realised I had shut, only to be met with the sight of an extremely confused Ming.

Could I just disappear already?

He was on top of me, his body flush against mine.

"Kit?" He said, continuing to look at me in utter confusion.

I avoided his eyes entirely, turning my head to the side.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his voice gentle and concerned. "You hit your head pretty hard on the table as you fell." He winced.

Well that would explain why I had blacked out for a few seconds, and the terrible pain of course.

"Hmm." I said. Translation: yes. The pain was nothing compared to the utter embarrassment I was feeling at that current moment.

"Let me get off of you," he said going to move, "I'm crushing you." He laughed.

I took notice of his appearance then. His hair was damp, prabaly having had washing after I know...

He also wore a new suit, that suited him just as well as the previous one. Damn, he looks it in just about everything.

"You got a new suit..." I slipped out, just as he helped me get to my feet.

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