Chapter 34: Two timing asshole

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Sorry for the late update and short chapter x I've just been quite busy this week :))

"Can you show me a picture of Tae?" I asked Nai the very next day, as the six of us (Beam, Pha, Ming, Yo, Nai and me) sat in Beam's room.

Beam was still sulking as P'Forth said he was busy so he couldn't join our little gathering.

Nai looks a little startled at my sudden question, but he nodded none the less and retreated his phone from his trouser pocket.

Beam scoots closer to me, angrily whispering in my ear, from where we both sat on his carpeted floor. "Why do you want to see a picture of that ass wipe? I was trying to make him forget about that loser!"

"I need to confirm something." I whispered back, pushing his face away from me.

"Confirm what?" He was back in my face again.



I shook my head, "I will tell you later."

"No tell me now," he whined.

I shot him an annoyed look, "now's not the time Beam."

"Fine!" Beam shouted, getting up off the floor, "it seems like you too are keeping secrets from me."

"Beam sit down," I pleased him, not wanting to get into an argument. I knew he was in a bad mood, I shouldn't have flipped him off like that. However, it really wasn't the time to tell him my doubts.

I didn't want to upset Nai so abruptly for God's sake.

"What do you mean I'm keeping secrets from you too? Has somethings happened?" I asked him worriedly."

"No," he shook his head sighing.

"Don't worry about him," Pha pipes out, looking up from the TV to look at the pit of us, "he's just upset P'Forth hasn't seen him all day."

"Ohh," I said, fighting the urge to smirk. I knew that would get me in serious trouble with Beam.

"I will tell you," I whispered to him when he eventually sat back down.

He nodded his head at me, still looking disheartened, while I gave him a soft smile.

"Here he is Kit," Nai said, bringing his phone closer to my face.

I couldn't really see at first, since Nai's hand was shaking a little. So, I took it out of his clasp and held it in front of me. Beam peered at the photo next to me, scoffing a little once he saw Yae and looked away, disgusted. He halted the guy's guts, and I couldn't blame him.

"You still keep a picture of him on your phone?" Beam asked Nai, shaking his head at him.

"No Beam," Nai smiled a little, fiddling with his hands, "I just looked up his Facebook profile."

Beam nodded, pleased with his answer.

All the while I was trying to keep my breathing steady, and not trying to make a scene.

He was the same guy Earth was going out with!

Forget what I had said previously.

Fate was cruel.

So cruel.

How was I going to break the news to Nai that the love of his life indeed has left him and moved on, and had even got himself a girlfriend. A girlfriend who was none other that Ming's close friend. He would be crushed to pieces. He had sacrificed so much for Tae, how was I going to tell him that he had left him?

His words still haunted me, 'in the end everyone always leaves me'. He had said those very words, and somehow now, they were proving to be more true than I liked.

What was I going to do?

Should I just not tell him?

But I had promised Nai that I would get them back together.

However, I couldn't break Earth's heart. That sweet girl. It would be too cruel of me. She loved Tae as much as Nai loved Tae.

What was I going to do?!

"Kit!" I heard my name being shouted, making me lose my train of thought.

"Huh?" I asked whoever had addressed me.

"You're still holding Nai's phone on your hand, and someone's calling him." Pha told me.

I looked down, and indeed, his phone was vibrating in my hand. I hastily handed his phone back to him, apologising as I did so.

He told me it was fine while giggling a little, before he answered.

"Hello?" Once he heard the other person talk, his eyes widened. "P-P'Tae?"

"Put it on speaker," Beam mouthed out at Nai as soon as he heard the name slip past his lips.

The five of us gathered closer to the phone held in Nais hand; all listening intently.

"I-I'm sorry Nini." Tae's voice was shaky on the other end of the line.

"P'Tae." Nai's bottom lip trembled as he tried on to cry. He was doing pretty well considering his ex boyfriend whose he still loved just called him.

He was probably thinking Tae wanted him back. My stomach twisted when I thought about how he would react when Tae told him that he had a girlfriend already.

"I -I want to-" Tae started.

I held my breath, closing my eyes.

He was going to say it.

I want to break up with you. This is final. Etc.

"What is it P'Tae?" Nai sniffled a little, almost as if he was on the verge of crying.

"I want to take you back. I love you. I'm so sorry."

My eyes shot open.


He had a girlfriend!

This motherfucker!

Two timing asshole!

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