Chapter 29: Movie time

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Long chapter ahead...1841 words! Enjoy guys x 💕🌈

"Kit you are out of your bloody mind!" Beam shouted as soon as we entered our room, after he had dragged me away.

"I understand him now!" I shouted back, not regretting my decision at all.

"But he nearly raped you Kit! He's dangerous and I'd really appreciate it if you listen to me and stay the hell away from that creep!" Beam shouted, not taking a breath the whole way though.

I raised my eyebrows at him, wanting to applaud but decided against it.

Beam was angry.

I hadn't seen him properly angry since Pha and I had scared his cat into a corner for two hours, as we were being too loud arguing with one an other.

I had learnt a lesson from that experience.

Never mess with Beam's cat. Ever.

And we've done a lot of shit to Beam, for example putting pink dye in his shampoo.

That was a sight to see...a hilarious one.

"He wasn't going to rape me Beam." I sighed.

He gave me a puzzled look.

"He just wanted to scare me."

Beam shook his head, "what has that monster put into your head?"

I huffed irritatedly, "he just told me the truth."

"Yeah the 'truth'," Beam sarcastically replied, "it could have all been lies Kit."

"He had evidence you mushroom," I said, purposely using a funny nickname hoping he'd lighten up a bit.

"What evidence?" He scoffed.

"Text messages from Mena that was blackmailing him so he had to do what he did." I explained.

"We need to all talk when Pha gets here," Beam sighed, placing a palm on his forehead, "there is so much you need to explain."

"Nai needs to explain," I corrected.

"I'm not letting him get anywhere near you." Beam said stubbornly.

"I spent an hour with him and nothing happened."

"Oh so you're forgiving him now? After all the things he's put you through...put all of us through?!"

"Beam calm the hell down!" I scolded, "you're like a monkey screeching in my ear."

"Good! Maybe I have to screech to get some common sense into your empty head!"

I sighed, I was sure I was going to get a headache if this continued.

"Don't forgive him!" Beam shouted, "I don't care what circumstances he was in to make him do what he did, but he can't just put another human being through hell to save himself."

"He wasn't saving himself Beam," I mumbled.

He was just trying to help his boyfriend.

"I don't give a shit!" Beam snapped, "he still hurt you."

"Now that I know what really happened, it doesn't hurt anymore."

"How can you even say that?! You must have lost your mind! I going to kill that motherfucker!"

"Beam how can you say that! He's your cousin for fucks sake."

"Fucking step cousin, we're not even blood related!"

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