Chapter 8: The big question

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"You want me to be your date?" Ming smiled, raising his eyebrows a little.

I was going red, not in embarrassment, no...but in anger.

We had been at this for about fifteen minutes already. I couldn't imagine how Ming had still not got tired of teasing me. He was completely diverging from answering my question whether he would go with me to the party or not.

"Well who else am I supposed to take as a date?" I exploded. "My med teacher?" He laughed at my blunt sarcasm.

"Aww Kitkat," he cooed, pinching my cheeks from where I sat next to him on my bed. We were in my room, watching TV.

He then went back to pretending to be interested in watching the random show that was playing on it, about different types of trees and completely ignoring me once again.

I was beginning to become annoyed. Just about an hour ago Ming had wanted nothing more than to endlessly talk to me about nothing significant; but as soon as I brought up the anniversary party I wanted to go to, he started to ignore me and change the topic.

I mean he was watching a show with an old man going on what seemed to be an endless rant about pine trees.

I knew for a fact Ming would never willingly watch something this boring. He was all about thrill and comedy, not repetitive boringness.

I mean trees! What could be so interesting about trees?

Something was definitely wrong.

"Ming!" I snapped, annoyed that he was not listening to me any more.

"Kit just one second, this just got so much more interesting!" He beamed, carelessly waving his hand in my face.

This piece of shit!

Storming to stand in front of the television to block his view, I swiftly snatched the remote, and turned it off.

Ming immediately made a noise of disappointment.

Good, I thought wickedly.

"Ming!" I said his name again, taking my position next to him once more. "You're ignoring me you dick." I whined.

"I wasn't ignoring you P," he grumbled, "I was watching the show."

"No you were ignoring me!" I shouted, "you don't even know anything about trees anyway nor do you pay any significance to them."

"That's why I was watching it P. I was learning more about them." He lied.

I raised my eyebrows at him and folded my arms across my chest, looking at him closely.

"Fine," he sighed finally, somewhat annoyed, "I'm sorry for ignoring you."

I glared at him, and he continued, "What were you taking about?"

I rolled my eyes, giving a quick sigh before continuing again. "I want you to go with me to Pha's parents' anniversary party."

"I don't want to go though P," he admitted truthfully, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Why though?" I asked, a little confused.

"I don't know them that's why."

"Don't be silly, it's Pha's parent's! You'll meet them, and then you'll get to know them."

"I just don't think it'll be a good idea for me to go."

"Ming," I sighed, "I'm inviting you to go and I know his parents really well! They wont mind if you come too. Hell even Pha himself invited you!"

"I just don't want to go P." Putting his face into his hands, he sighed.

I looked worridly over him, knowing that there was more to this than he was letting on.

Had he known Pha's parents? Had something happened between them? How could he have known them though?

A million questions swarmed my mind, confusing me further.

I sighed, giving up making scenarios in my mind. I would just have to ask Ming myself. However not now though. I'd have to ask when he didn't look like he'd seen a ghost. Pale...and not what he usually looked like.

He always had a smile on his face, and if not then at least the glint in his mischief filled eyes was there, now he just looked tense and miserable.

What could possible be wrong with him?

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