Chapter 13: Teller tail

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Pha, Beam and me piled into Pha's bedroom. P'Forth, following suit a few seconds later, making sure to close the door behind him.

I jumped up on Pha's king sized bed, as tears reluctantly left my eyes.

I was heart broken.

"Kit..." Beam started, "what happened?"

I sighed, knowing that I had to tell them the whole story. They wouldn't let me go otherwise. Those persistent bastards.

"I thought they were going to kiss," I paused taking a deep breath. Pha patted my back sadly, and I continued, "so I went over to both of them to stop them before they could actually do it."

"I'm sure..."

I cut Beam off with a shake of the head. "Next thing I know the bitch is pulling my hair." My sadness was starting to disappear, instead being replaced with anger, "so it was only right to pull her's back!"

P'Forth sighed, "she's a girl Kit," he said, "you don't just go around-"

"I don't care if she is a girl! She was going to kiss my boyfriend, and he was going to let her, that idiot!" I shouted angrily.

"Ming wouldn't do that Kit," Beam reasoned, but I wasn't having any of it.

I glared at him. "Are you telling me," my voice was dangerously low, "that what I saw with my own two eyeballs," I gestured to them, "was wrong?"

He winced visibly, making me pleased. Pha cleared his throat, so I turned away from Beam to look at him instead.

"Maybe it was something else they were doing?" Pha offered.

"Like what?!" I shouted again, "Why else would someone be this close," I showed an inch with my fingers and placed it by my nose, "this close to someone else's face if they weren't going to kiss?"

Pha shrugged at that, looking defeated.

There was a knock on the door then, grabbing all of our attention.

Pha sighed, reluctantly getting up of his bed to go and open the door.

Mrs Kongthanin instantly appeared in the room. She looked worried, and within seconds, she was beside me, clutching my hand tightly.

"What happened Kit?" She asked hurriedly, and out of breath, "I was told by one of the servers that there was a ruckus upstairs in one of the lounges. And when I got there, Mena was balling her eyes out and Yo and Ming, bless them, were trying to calm her down."

I winced visibly at the mention of Ming's name.

"I was then told that the two of you had gotten into an argument."

I nodded at her, not giving any excuses. I hadn't done anything wrong, so what was there to hide?

"Oh baby," she cooed, giving me a hug, as tears started to gush down my face. "Tell mama what happened." She ordered, gently.

"I was looking for Ming," I said inbetween hiccups, "and when I finally spotted him, he was with Mena. And-and then they were going to kiss so I-I had to stop them before it was too late. So I grabbed a glass and poured Champaign all-all over Ming's head."

Pha gave a slight chuckle, as his mother gasped softly, while I continued to ramble out what had happened as best as I could. It was quite hard given that I was in the state that I was.

I was crying, and upset, angry, hurt, annoyed...just a lot of emotions were surfing inside me.

"Next thing I know she was pulling my hair and swaring at me, so I pulled her hair back." I ended with a deep breath.

I looked at Mrs Kongthanin then, expecting her to be annoyed at what I had done to her neice, but instead she just smiled.

"Oh baby," she laughed, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Wasn't she mad at me?

"You can't just pour Champaign on anyone's head like that," she paused, "...without knowing the situation first."

So it was okay to pour alcohol on someone's head then?

"But I did know the situation!" I whined, "they were going to kis each other."

"Are you 100% sure that they were going to kiss?"

"Yes!" I said confidently, I was met with raised eyebrows, making me rethink my decision. "No..." I said this time, quietly.

"I'm sure Ming loves you very much, and would never do such a thing." She said, earning a mod from everyone in the room except from me.

"But...but...!" I tried desperately to think of something to counteract what she had said. I gave up finally when I cousin think of anything.

"I know what Mena did to you was wrong darling, but Ming didn't do anything to deserve having Champaign poured on him." She shook her head, "I think you owe him an apology."

My eyes widened in horror. Apologise to someone for pouring drink all over them was just too embarrising. Sure I had said sorry to Ming before, but this was not going to happen. I just couldn't! Not even when my actions were this drastic.

"That's too embarrising mother," I whined out, covering my face in my hands as I shook my head.

"Ming's your boyfriend darling," she chuckled, "I'm sure he'll understand."

"No," I cried out, everyone chuckled as if my situation was comical. The audacity! "He won't, he'll tease me till the day I die. I'll never live this down, I'm doome-" I paused. Wait a minute boyfriend? Had I heard correctly? Had she just said that Ming was my boyfriend?

"How did you know?" I asked her, my heart rate was picking up, and I was sure my face was as bright a red as a tomato.

"Know what baby?"

"That Ming was my b-boyfriend?"

"Oh!" She laughed, "Pha told me," she said cheerfully. "I was so happy for you Kit! He's an amazing boy. I had met him before you know, it's so good to see him again. Dad and I both loved him the first time we met him. He was so polite, so charming. I know you two will be happy together. You're both perfect for each other. I'm so proud of you honey for finally finding someone you like. " She gushed happily.

I hardly listened to all what she had to say. My brain zoning in on one particular word. Or name rather.


He was so dead.

I looked up at him, only to see him gulp nervously.

That's right, he better be scared.

Not a very interesting chapter, so sorry for that ! Hope you all forgive me ♡♡♡

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