Chapter 6: Kiss

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"P'kit?" Ming called out as he sat directly opposit to me.


Once he had came over to the three of us and greeted us, I had rudely asked him to follow me to sit at another table so that I could talk to him privately. He did as he was told, confused at the whole ordeal, while Pha and Beam sneaked concerned looks in our direction.

I had finally sat down at a two seater table in the cafe and he followed suit.

"Is everything all right?" He asked me, "you have dark circles under your eyes."

I winced slightly at his words, however they were not meant to sound rude. It just made him seem concerned for me. I scoffed mentally, he was anything but.

"No," I told him honestly, "everything's not alright. Quite the opposite actually."

His eyes widened, and he reached out across the table to clasp my hand. Once his long fingered were holding my pulmp ones he started to rub circles on my palm with his thumb. I felt blissful at the gentleness of his actions, and seemed to forget what I had even planned to say to him, but quickly pulled my hand back once I got a proper hold of myself.

He had a girlfriend! This was not right! I repeated in my head like a mantra.

"What's going in P?" He asked softly, after giving me a conceded look.

I looked up then, my eyes meeting his large beautiful ones. No! Stop this! I chided myself. He had a girlfriend!

"I need to tell you something, but I can't seem to do so without making you uncomfortable." I finally confessed to him with a sigh.

He chuckled at that. "It's just me P! You could never make me uncomfortable."

"This is different Ming."

"I'm being serious P." He sighed, "you're worrying me."

"It's just that...that...I like..." I trailed, giving up. "It's nothing. Doesn't matter."

I was about to get up, but Ming grasped my arm, giving it a slight pull so I was forced back into my seat again.

"Tell me P." He pleaded, "what do you like?"

"Rather who do I like." I mumbled under my breath.

He looked confused for a few seconds but quickly seemed to understand what I meant as his eyes flashed dangerously.

"Who do you like P?" He asked, his tone murderous. What the hell was wrong with him all of a sudden? I shook my head.

"You." I blurted out, though I instantly regretted it. He had a girlfriend for fucks sake. What was he going to think about this?

I thought he'd be disgusted at me, laugh even, however he did quite the opposite.

In an instant he had lifted me up from my seat; his arms were securely wrapped around my waist, and his lips were on mine, in a passionate kiss.


An actual fucking kiss.

Wait, what?

My eyes widened, and I started to push him away form me but to no avail. He was holding onto me for dear life. Squeezing me to him so tightly, that my breath was taken from me.

I felt his tongue swipe across my bottom lip, and I unconsciously gasped, so he took the opportunity to enter his muscle into my mouth, dominating it.

As much as I wanted to protest at his actions, I suddenly felt weak, wantig nothing more that to give in to the sweet sensations overcoming me. His kisses were the best thing I had ever experienced.

But I wasn't going to return them. Not at all. He had a girlfriend! This was wrong. This was cheating.

He seemed to sense my protest, therefore he stopped his advances on my mouth but still held me close to him.

He was breathing hard, probably from the lack of oxygen he got from kissing me so long, but he still had a grin the size of Jupiter on his face.

After staring at his face for what seemed like a century, I took notice of my surroundings.

I instantly blushed a bright red, when I noticed everyone, and I mean everyone inside looking at the pair of us. Some had dreamy looks on their faces while others simply shrugged at us, going back to what they had previously been doing.

I gulped, turning my head to look at Beam and Pha. They both had their mouths agape, but I could already see slight smiles forming. I looked at them sheepishly before turning back to Ming.

Taking a step away form him, then another, I rushed out of the Cafè. I ran through the parking lot, stopping only when I reached a quiet spot, away from the prying eyes.

Ming had followed behind me, unknown to my knowledge, until I saw him standing in front of me with that same grin plastered on his face.

"What's wrong P?" He asked, slightly breathless.

"You kissed me!" I stuttered out, slightly annoyed with him.

His eyes widened, and a smirk made it's way on his handsome face.

"And you said you liked me back." He said, his voice husky. Well I could have just gotten pregnant then and there. Wait! No! That came out wrong!

He took a step towards me, and if it wasn't for the bloody wall behind me, I would have too.

"Be my boyfriend P." He asked, more like stated, with confidence.

My anger surfaced then. So Ming was a two-timer now? Well, you learn something new everyday!

"Boyfriend?!" I screeched in his face. "Are you fucking mad?!"

"W-what?" He stumbled with his words, surprised at my outburst.

"You have a bloody girlfriend, you asshole, and you're asking me to be your boyfriend?!"

"Girlfriend?" He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Yeah a girlfriend! You know the one who called you babe and all. "

"Oh..." was all he said. Are you fucking kidding me?!

Okay not that spicy...yet XD

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