Chapter 37: Confronting to face

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"Fuck, you again." Mena scowled at me while sitting down on one of Pha's lavish sofas.

"I could say the same thing to you." I shot back, rolling my eyes.

"Ugh why am I even here?" She grumbled, "I don't have anything to do with you anymore."

"Oh I think you do." I said, "the others are going to be here soon."

"What do you mean others?"

"You know just everyone else that you messed with." I said nonchalantly, examining my finger nails and not even casting her a glance.

"Pha," Mena called her cousin, "I don't know what he's talking about."

"You don't know what I'm talking about?!" I exploded, my blood starting to boil. Why this piece of shit!

Pha held me back before I could pounce on her, and give her hair a good tug like the first day I had met her.

"I think you do know what he's talking about." Pha said smoothly.

"If you're going on about Nai and Tae, I already left them alone. In fact I left all of you alone, so we can just forget about all of this. It's in the past."

"Just because you stopped meddling with their lives now doesn't mean what you did just goes away."

"Yeah!" I said, "you owe all of us an apology to say the least!"

Mena rolled her eyes, "if that's what it's going to take for you all to get off my case then fine. I'll apologise."

"Not now," Pha stopped her, "when the others arrive, which will be any time now, then you can say you're sorry."

"Okay, fine," Mena sighed.

As if on cue, the door bell rang, so Pha went to go let the others inside. I was tempted to go follow him so that I didn't have to sit alone with Mena in the mean time.

"You really need to pluck your eyebrows," Mena commented, breaking the brief silence we had going.

"And you need to wax your upper lip."

"Fuck, I was just giving you some advice. No need to be so grumpy."

"And I was giving you some advice back. And I'm not grumpy!"

She rolled her eyes, "sure you aren't."

"Good. You agree with me."

"I was being sarcastic."

"So was I."

"Well you need to improve on yours."

"Look who's talking. For your information I'm the queen of sarcasm."

"Well you sure act like a queen that's for certain," she chuckled.

"And you act like a bitch."

"Well you act like a grumpy cow."

"Sure, What about you-"

"Kit!" Beam shouted, tackling me in a hug before I could give that gorilla a piece of my mind.

"Get off me," I grumbled, pushing him away before he restricted any more of my breathing.

"Alright," he pouted, "no need to be so grumpy."

"Told you." Mena piped up.

I shot her a look, "I'm not fucking grumpy."

"Language." Pha tutted, entering his lunge room, with our other friends in tow.

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