Chapter 24: Lady at the window

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A day late but here it is... :)) x

"Wooo," Beam shouted, sliding his drunk ass down a slide.

"I can't believe you let him buy beer!" I shouted grumpily at Pha.

"He said he wouldn't get drunk!" He said defensively.

"You know him," I sighed, "he gets drunk so easily. I warned you."

"But he looked so upset when we said no to him the first time he asked."

I shook my head at him before turning to look at Beam worridly. He had landed his ass on the muddy ground just below the slide. He looked like a baby about to cry, and I knew he was going to.

He was the emotional/hyper drunk.

Which was just great.


"Don't cry Beam," I soothed, rushing over and crouching beside him to pat his back. "You can have another go on it."

It was best to be nice to Beam in this situation or all hell will let loose.

"No!" Pha shouted, helping Beam to get up, "we should get back to the resort."

"But I want to playyyy-" Beam was cut off by his own hiccup, and I couldn't help but let out a snort.

"Yeah, we're going back," Pha started to pull on Beam's arm.

"Are you mad!?" I said, stopping him, "the seniors will kill us if they find out we've been drinking."

"We haven't thought, it's just Beam."

"They won't believe us even if we tell them that, and we'll get in trouble anyway for letting him drink. I mean it's bad enough we wandered out of our room."

"That's true," Pha agreed, "What are you going to do now?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Man I really shouldn't have let him drink."

"I fucking told you." I laughed. I mean how could one stay angry in this situation?

My drunk friend was singing BTS's Boy is Lov song with his hands waving on top of his head haphazardly.

So I did the only sensible thing a friend would do and recorded the whole scene. This was some golden blackmail material right there.

"You know he's going to kill you when he finds out right?" Pha asked from beside me.

I shrugged, "meh, what's the worst that could happen?"

"I mean he could cover your whole apartment with KitKat rappers again."

"Don't bring that up." I warned, stopping recording as his singing was starting to annoy me.

"It's getting cold as well?" Pha shivered.

"You're only just realising that?" I scoffed, showing him my bare arm that was covered in goose bumps.

"Should we call P'Forth?" Pha asked.

I thought about the idea for a few seconds but disregarded it. "Don't want to hear another hour long lecture again."

"That's true." He huffed, "What should we do then?"

"You asked me that question for the hundredth time I swear."

"It's not my fault your pea brain can't come up with anything."

"Excuse me but it was your pea brain that got us into this situation to begin with!"

"Can we not blame me right now, I'm trying to make things right here."

"Well open your fucking eyes, it's too motherfucking late for that!"

"I fucking know!"

"Glad you know this was all your fault you dumb fuck."

"Fuck me!" We both turned to look at Beam who had shouted that almost too loud making me cringe.

"Let's go motherfuckers!" He shouted again, this time louder, "I want to go back to my room so that I won't be late for my lesson tomorrow."

"You three dumb fucks, shut the hell up! I'm trying to sleep here." A middle aged lady shouted out of her window, showing us her middle finger.

Pha covered Beams mouth beofre he could shout anything back to her and i lofted my hand out to her as an apology. She juat scoffed in return, slamming her window shut.

Beam started to walk out of the park, and me and Pha rushed to fall into pace with him. Both on either side to guard him.

"We don't have any lessons tomorrow Beam." I sighed.

"Kit?" He asked, turning to look at me, still walking like a sloth.

"What Beam?" I sighed.

"You know Nai?"

My body went rigid as I heard his name. But I shook of the feeling, I said needed to be stronger, I couldn't let him ruin my life.

So I nodded at Beam, as I couldn't get myself so speak.

Pha stayed silent.

"I hate him."

I laughed, "me too Beam."

God I loved my friends.

"Pha?" Beam asked, turning to look at him this time.

"You know your duck socks?"

"Yeah, I know my duck socks."

"I was the one who accidently burnt them."

"Yeah," Pha sighed, "I know."

"You do?" Beam's face lit up in delight, "thank God, because I really didn't know how to tell you."

"Kit, you know Nai?" Beam asked.

"Yes Beam, I do know that piece of shit."

"He's my step cousin."

I stopped uprubtly at the information. Why was everyone cousins with each other?! First Mena and now Nai, who the fuck knows who will be next?!

"W-what?" I asked shakily, my heart beat was in my ears.

"Beam?" Someone called, making us all look up.

P'Forth stood in front of the three of us looking so angry. Pha visibly gulped.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On. Here?" His voice was mellow, but I could make out the thunder in it. We were all in some deep, deep shit.

"P-P?" I stuttered, "how di-did you know we w-where here?"

"How did I know?" P'Forth scoffed, taking a step closer to us, "how did I know? Why don't you ask the lady who shouted out her window and told you three to shut up? I could practically hear all of you from a mile away!"

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