Chapter 11: Champaign glass

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I stood outside Pha's house, by the entrance, contemplating if I should just make a straight b-line to my car.

I just wasn't ready to face his parents yet, as I was still worried about what they would think of me. I was dating their niece's ex after all. Even I would hate me if I was in their position.

I started to sweat dreadfully. Suddenly feeling really stuffy in my black, newly purchased, suit.

Just when I brought enough courage to open the gate to enter, I found it was already being pushed open by someone else.

"There you are Kit!" Beam's cheerful face emerged from the other side.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to show," Pha laughed, coming to stand beside him.

I laughed awkwardly at that, "of course I was going to show..." I shook my head at him, pretending that I hadn't just thought about ditching them just a few seconds ago.

"Ming's inside by the way," I winced at Pha's words, "he's with Wayo."

"Why are you two outside?" I asked the pair, quickly changing the subject.

"We just have to go pick up a few items." Beam replied instantly.

I eyed them warily, "like what?"

"Well my grandma doesn't like the food the caters brought, even though there's a lot of choice, so I have to pick up something else for her." Pha explained, rolling his eyes a little, "so I asked Beam to come with me."

I smiled widely. This was my chance!

"Why'd you want Beam to go with you Pha? He should be partying with his 'boyfriend', not going on boring errands with you."

"He's not my boyfrie-" Beam, who had started to blush madly, was cut off abruptly by my other friend.

"And so should you." He raised his eyes at me, "Don't even think about trying to come with me."

"Yeah," Beam joined in, "go in there and have fun! Pha and me will handle this."

"No! Please let me come with you!" I begged, "I mean..." I tired desperately to think of an excuse "you need me! How will just the two of you manage to carry all that food?"

"All that food?!" Pha shouted, "Yah how much do you think my grandma eats?! Are you calling her fat?"

"No, it's not that..." I trailed awkwardly, because in all honestly his grandma does eat a lot for a picky eater. No offence Pha's grandma.

"I'm calling Yo to come get you if you don't go inside right now." Pha threatened.

I sighed, finally giving up. It was evident they weren't going to let me come with them. Those bastards!

"Fine," I pouted, "but next time any of you need help don't come to me! Because I won't help you!"

Instead of feeling threatened, they just laughed. Waving me a goodbye, as I walked past the gate.

I had to cross the huge garden they had, which had been neatly decorated in golden lights.

There were about twenty people scattered on the lawn, chattering amongst themselves, amidst the classical tune that was playing. Each wore neat attire, and a few even held Champaign glasses in their hands.

Taking a big breath of fresh air I thanked the gentleman that opened the door to the house for me.

I was instantly spotted by Mrs Kongthanin, making her rush over to me in a fuss.

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