Chapter 31: After a long day's work

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After a hard day of planting fucking seeds of god knows what plant, I was exhausted.

I cursed my dammed luck for getting put in the group that had to trudge mushy muddy watery grounds in order to plant what I think were rice crops. 

"Fuck me," I said, setting my ass down on the soft sofa that was in our room.

"Um no thanks," I heard Beam snort.

I threw a pillow in his direction, not too hard as my arms were sore and I didn't have much energy left in me.

"Guys you won't believe what," Pha sounded excited, as he entered our room.

"What?" I asked half assed.

To be honest I didn't care. I was too tired, I just wanted to have dinner, and go to bed already.

"I think I know where Tae might be." He said, sounding proud of himself.

Okay, now I definitely cared.

"That fucktard my cousin likes?"

Pha nodded at Beam.

Both me and Beam looked at Pha, who had a wide grin on his face, for a minute, both looking expectantly. He just looked blankly at the two of us, not quite unsterstandomg what we were after.


"Huh?" Pha asked me. I groaned, painfully annoyed at him.

"Where the bloody hell is he?!" Beam asked at last. "It's not hard."

"Oh! Uh right," he sounded embarrassed, "Well I spoke to Mena, and apparently he's in Bangkok."

"How does she know where Tae is?" Beam spat his name.

Pha shrugged in return, "I think her father finally let him go do his own thing. She didn't sound too happy about the news either." He said.

Pha's father's brother wasn't a mean man, unlike his daughter. Quite the contrary actually, and I've had the pleasure of meeting him once before. He was lovely, no wonder he let Tae go freely.

"He's a pleasant man." I nodded in approval.

"You know Bangkok is a huge place, right?" Beam said, "where exactly in Bangkok?"

Pha shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know that."

"Well you should have asked!"

"I did!"

"So that means you don't know where that bastard is then!"

"Yes I do! He's in Bangkok!"

"Where in Bangkok?!"

"I don't bloody know!"

"So that means you don't k-"

"Okay shut the fuck up both of you! I already heard the word Bangkok too many times!" I interrupted their useless argument. "At least we have a start on something," I told them, acknowledging Pha's information.

Pha shot Beam a look, making him roll his eyes in return.

There was silence in our room then, and I wanted to ask something. But I just couldn't do it.

As fuck it!

I'm asking anyway.



"D-did Mena say anything about me?"

Pha looked at me with worried eyes, "Yes." He sighed softly.

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