Chapter 19: Park fights

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"How do you know Nai?" Beam asked Ming suddenly, while he was taking to Wayo.

I held my breath, wanting nothing more than to ring Beam's neck at that very moment. Ming was sure to suspect something fishy going on! What was I going to do when he starts questioning me about it?!

Pha had decided that it would be a great idea to take Wayo to the park for some alone time. However, Beam and I, being the best friends that we are, decided to tag along to make his life miserable. Embarrising Pha was our favourite past time after all. While walking around to find a nice tree to sit under, we had bumped into Ming.

He had quickly ditched his crew of friends to come and join us.

And that was how we all ended up together, huddled under a tree for some shade.

Ming glanced over to me quickly, before smiling at Beam, who was peering over him inqusitively.

"When Mena and I were dating, we used to go out a lot," he cleared his throat, "Nai used to join us on occasions because Menna and him are really close friends. That's how I met him." He finishes off.

Both Beam and me nodded our heads.

"But P'Kit?" Ming calls.


"How do you know P'Nai? I mean you both seem close since he was in your room, and had your phone."

And there it fucking was! The bombshell...

"Uhh-well I-uh I," I stuttered dreadfully. I couldn't think of something! Damn it!

"Some of our friends know him, so that's how we got to know him." Pha cuts in.

"Yes! That's how!" I agreed awkwardly.

Was it obvious that something was off? Had I made it obvious?

"Ohh that's cool..." Ming laughed just as awkwardly as I had been.

Someone change the topic quickly.

Thankfully, Yo had done just that. Talking excitedly about a camping trip the university was organising that he wanted all of us to go on.

I listened, though everything he was saying was going above my head. My heart still thuding loudly, at the question that had caught me off guard.

"Nai came to your room?" Beam leaned over to whisper in my ear.

I nodded wordlessly, making him scratch his head.

Great, that was another thing added to my list of what they were going to question me about.

"And he had your phone?" Beam whispered again in my ear, catching me by surprise and making me jump.

God all mighty, that scared me shitless. And that made me annoyed, so I did the right thing and smacked Beam across the head with my hand.

There, all better.

Yo burst out laughing, as Beam whined out, rubbung his head, also annoyed.

Okay maybe I shouldn't have smacked him that hard.

"I'm sorry Beam-" I started to apologise to him half heartedly, but was cut off.

"There you are Kitty." I heard that chilling voice again.

Nai. For fucks sake.

"You blocked my number," he said, coming to sit next to me on the grass. My body instantly went rigid.

Ming looked at me with a puzzled look.

I never answered him.

An uncomfortable silence fell up in us, as Ming and Yo looked around awkwardly.

Nai broke the silence first, "I just wanted to invite you and Ming to my pool party this weekend." He said.

"He's not going," Beam spat, as I had again stayed silent not answering him.

Nai got angry at that, and he shifted closer to me with a wicked grin plastered on his face.

"I'm sure Kitty can answer for himself," he looked at me, "can't you?"

"P'Nai?" Ming called, making me let out a visible breath.

"What is it?" Nai asked Ming with a smile, it seemed sincere. Did Nai actually like Ming?

However, before Ming could answer him, Nai was being tackled on the floor, by none other than Beam.

Here we go again.

"Beam!" Pha shouted, as the pair scrapped on the grass, gaining a lot of unwanted attention by walkers by.

It was when Nai nearly punched Beam's nose in that I jumped in. Instead, of helping Pha stop the fight, I just joined in.

I just had enough. Nai had no right to mess with me like that! In front of all my friends, in front of my boyfriend! I was waiting for a time to punch the shit out of him, and I had finally found it!

This was my chance.

So I went for it.

But I regretted it.

And after that day, things had just gotten worse. Way worse. Eerily enough, it was a week of cool before the storm started.

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