Chapter 18: Nai's best friend

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I met Pha and Beam at the cafeteria, and sat down at the table with a loud whine.

I completely messed up on the test that we had earlier.

"You messed up too?" Beam asked, a knowing look on his face.

"Totally failed it." I replied, burying my face in my hands.

"I'm sure you didn't do that bad." Pha laughed, eating his coconut rice carelessly.

"Easy for you to say," I grumbled, "you find everything easy."

Beam nodded in agreement.

I just couldn't concentrate on what I was writing during the paper at all. My mind replaying the incidents that happens last night. It was horrible. I wish I could just forget about it.

"So are you going to tell us what exactly happened last night then?" Beam suddenly questioned, making me wince.

I had just thought about forgetting the whole ordeal!

"Phaaaa," I dragged, "I swear you always have the same old coconut rice?" I laughed nervously, "Let me go buy you something else to eat." I said, quickly getting up, "I'm sure you'll love it."

And before I could say anything else I was out of their site in an instant.

I just couldn't get myself to say what happened to them! I was embarrassed and nervous.

I stopped running when I came before the toilet doors. I opened them and entered hastily.

As I was leaning against the door and panting, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

With a sigh, I pulled it out of my jeans, ready to tell Beam to leave me get Pha's rice in peace. However, to my surprise it was an unknown number calling me.

I answered the call without second thought.

"Hello?" I spoke into the line.

"Kit," a voice answered back.

I could recognised that voice from anywhere.

I heart dropped.


"How did you get my number?" I asked instantly, my voice cold and stiff.

"That's not important." He cut me off.

He must have looked through my phone before he returned it last night! The prick.

"Where are you my lovely?" He asked sweetly, making me want to puke, "I want to see you so badly."

I ended the call abruptly, and blocked his number.

Feeling scared of being alone in the toilet in case Nai found me there, I ran to the cafeteria once again, which took me a good three minutes. I only stopped when I was surrounded by students which made me feel at least a little.

I hurried over to the noodles counter to get Pha some noodles, but Beam had spotted me. Before, I could even get into the line, I was already being dragged away by Pha to our usual table.

He sat me down, making me huff.

"Don't think about running away from us again," he sighed, " where did you even go? We literally looked everywhere for you!"

Clearly not everywhere.

"Never mind that Pha!" Beam shouted, "just tell us who did this to you! Who assaulted you?"

"I don't get why you're avoiding the question so much."

"It's embarrassing," I whined.

"Nothing," Pha started, "nothing can be more embarrassing than Beam wetting himself on that rollercoaster ride we went on in tenth grade."

I laughed loudly at that. It was funny I agreed, but this was different. This was scarring.

"Hey!" Beam blushed, "we promised to never bring that up again."

I shook my head at him as punched Pha's arm.

"It was Nai." I blurted suddenly, wanting to get it over with.

"Nai?" Pha asked.

"Nai." I confirmed, looking away for a few seconds.

Pha paled visibly, before sharing a look of irritation with Beam.

There I did It! I finally said It, and it felt so good to get it off of my chest.

"Don't tell Ming though," I told them hastily.

"Why?!" Beam asked in horror, "we both promised to beat the bastard up! Oh how I'm going to mess him up!" He continued to rant.

"He's like best friends with Nai." I said, feeling my stomach drop.

"All the more to tell him!" Beam shouted.

"I will tell him eventually, I just don't feel ready to tell him yet." I looked over at Pha for backup, surprised that he was yet to say a word.

"Fine," Beam sighed, "I'll wait till you are ready." He paused, "but if I see that bastard anywhere, I'm going to mess him up myself."

I laughed slightly, greatful to have a friend like Beam.

"Kit?" Pha called.

I looked over to him, "hmm?"

"Nai is Mena's best friend."

You have got to be kidding me?! First the test that went shit, and now this!

"What?..." I asked my throat going dry.

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