Chapter 12: Hair tug

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"You fucking bitch!" A girl, who I assumed was Mena, shouted in my face. She was red in rage. Good served her right.

" Who Do you think you are throwing Champaign in my Ming's face like that you absolute piece of shit?" She continued in her screeching voice. I held back the urge to roll my eyes at the twat.

Who do I think I am? Huh! More like who does she think she is!

"That's not your Ming!" I shouted back at her, "that's my Ming!"

"That is my Ming you dickhead! You have no right to just come in here and act like you're some God when we were clearly having a moment."

Having a moment?! With my boyfriend?! This fucking motherfucker!

"You idiot! You weren't having a moment with him!" I shot back, although I did doubt that they were. Maybe Ming was going to kiss her. I just hoped not, or else he was going to have a storm coming his way.

"Listen you cunt-" she said, stepping threateningly closer towards me, "I don't know who you think you are but this is my cousin's house. I can have you thrown out for this outrageous behaviour of yours."

"My outrageous behaviour? At least I'm not the one swearing like a mad man." I laughed, "Huh, if anyone's going to be thrown out, it's you."

Her eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you j-just...have me thrown out?!" She shouted, stomping her feet childishly on the ground. Great not this giant baby was throwing a tantrum while everyone watched us in absolute horror.

They all had no idea why was going on, or how to stop it.

Absolutely fucking great.

I only hoped that I hadn't thrown Champaign on Ming but on her caked face instead. At least then I could laugh as all her makeup got runined.

"You're going to pay you piece of shit." She shouted, lunging for me.

She grabbed a handful of my newly dyed Brown hair, making me gasp in pain.

Oh this fucking whore was asking for it now!

I grabbed her hair in return, making sure to mess it up as bad as I could possible could. She then screeched painfully in my ear, that was now probably red.

Before I knew it, I was held by my waist, as someone tried to pull me away from doing anymore damage to Mena. However it didn't work out to their plan, as she only followed me, still having a tight clasp on my locks.

"Let me go!" I shouted to the person that still held me, while their other hand tried desperately to pull Mena's hands off of me. "This piece of faeces deserves what's coming."

"Let go of her Kit!" Ming's voice shouted angrily in my ear. However me being the stubborn brat that I was, only pulled harder at her now knotted hair.

"Get off of me!!" Mena shouted this time. I lifted my head up slightly, looking past her, and was greeted with Pha's face.

When had he arrived? Not that I should care at this current moment!

He sighed, and with strong arms had managed to pull the monster away from me completely. Given that she had a few strands of my hair now clasped in her clammy palms.

Once she was away, I immidealtely turned around to lock eyes with Ming.

I was extremely annoyed with him. Instead of making her let go of my hair, and be on my side, he had gotten angry at me instead. He had also tired to kiss her.

So with one last glare thrown his way, I rushed out the living room.

I just needed to get away and have time to collect my thoughts.

Pha and Beam had tried to stop me, shouting my name multiple times as I ran further away from them, but I didn't listen.

What hurt me was that, that bastard hadn't even decided to run after me. Instead, rushing over to Mena's side.

He was supposed to be my boyfriend! Unless... Unless he didn't want to be any more...

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