Chapter 40: Tenting with love

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Well it's been a hot minute since I last uploaded, and I sincerely apologise for that. Hope you guys enjoy the last chapter! 

We were all gathered at Pha's house; all seated in different angles in his living room. It was our first day of summer vacation after exams and we couldn't be more content. Yet, with all these idiots there was never a time of peace.

"Mena's in the military now?" I asked, confirming what Pha had just told the six of us.

"Hmm-Hmm," he nodded, "enrolled last week. Said it was what she needed in life. A strict set of rules laid out plainly. She said it makes her focused."

"I-I'm glad she found something she's happy about." Nai spoke up softly, a small fond smile on his face. Although he still hadn't forgiven her, which I completely understood, he was happy she was going in the right path.

"Enough about that," Beam cleared his throat. He still felt uncomfortable talking about the entire situation. "What's planned for our summer."

"I was thinking we could all go to this camp out place-" Yo started, but I groaned in protest.

"Yo you know I love you," I paused, "but absolutely not."

"But why P?" He pouted cutely.

I gave him a pointed look. "Because it's camping. Outdoors. Bugs. Ugh." I shivered at the thought.

"But we could all share a tent and it'll be so much f-"

"Stop right there." I held my hand up. "You want us to share... a tent?"

He looked at us dumbly, "w-well yeah."

Beam burst out laughing, and Nai giggled beside him.

"No way am I sharing a tent with all of you." Beam shook his head, "nah uh."

"Thank you." I high-fived Beam in agreement.

"But with P'Forth I bet that's another situation entirely."  Pha teased beside him, making Beam shoot him a glare.

"B-But what could be the problem?" Yo asked. 

"We would rip each other to shreds within the first day we get there."

"But we're all together now, and getting along just fine."

"Now's different. Imagine us in a cramped tent, all squished together."

"Fine we'll get two tents, or three-"

I shook my head dismissively, and pointed to myself. "Hate bugs remember?"

"You like Beam." Pha laughed.

"Why do you keep attacking me today?" Beam whined, shoving him in protest.

"Fine what else can we do?"

"We can go to water park?" I suggested.

"No eww."

"Who said eww?" I looked around the room with a glare. I knew the culprit when Beam cleared his throat and avoided eye contact sheepishly. 

"We really should have decided on a place before summer break stared." 

"Yes Pha, thank you for pointing out the obvious." I bit out sarcastically. 

"How about," Ming spoke out loudly, making us all turn towards him, "we don't go anywhere?"

The six of us all voiced out our protests. 

"We have to have to do something," I scolded. 

"Aw but P, we can't decide where. We've been sat here for three hours."

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