Chapter 16: Cockblocks

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DISCLAIMER: Sensitive topics ahead! DO NOT read if you feel uncomfortable! All actions that are written are not condoned, and is simply used for the storyline. It is pure fiction. Thank you.

"You're a sneaky little thing aren't you?" He chuckled, as he grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him.

"You thought you could get away," he sneered. "Well you just made it worse for yourself. I was going to go easy on you, prep you before I eventually took you," he laughed, "but I'm not going to anymore."

It struck me then. He was planning on having sex with me!

"Get the fuck away from me you creep!" I shouted.

"I can promise you, you'll be shouting the opposite once I have you where I want you to be."

I felt sick.

This bastards was disgusting.

"I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't mind if I had some fun with you."

He pulled me closer to him.

"Get off!" I screamed repeatedly.

"Shut up!" He shouted.

"Help me!!!!"

"No one can hear you from here darling."

"Someone help!!" I shouted again And again. My throat burned but I didn't care at this point. I needed to get away.

Nai started to corner me, and I backed away from him desperately.

"Kit?!" I heard my name being shouted from a distance. It was so faint, that I assumed it was just my mind playing tricks with me.

"Kit!" I heard it again, and this time I could make out Beam's voice.

Was it actually them?!

My heart leaped with joy, my friends were looking for me, and they were so close!

I could finally get away from this prick.

"I'm her-" I was cut off my a hand slapping itself over my mouth.

"Shit," I heard Nai swear. "Why do those cockblocks have to ruin everything?"

He dragged me down the passage quickly.

I thrashed around in his hold, slowing down our speed hoping to get away.

He eventually gave up. Letting me go completely, and running away while swearing repeatedly. However, not before he gave me a promise that I knew would haunt me for a long time, "I'll be back for you my pet." He hissed in my ear, "and I'll be sure to be your first."

I was stunned.

How did he know I had never had sex before.

And then he left, running away quickly. That was it?

I wasn't complaining though.

"I'm here!" I shouted as loud as I could. My sore throat making it difficult for me to produce loud sound.

I ran in the direction, I was dragged back from, as I knew it would be closer to where Pha and Beam were.

Within a few minutes, I was spotted by the pair. They immediately rushed over to me. I instantly felt relieved, and safe again.

I smiled at them, however I wasn't greeted by their dashing smiles back.

Beam looked terrified, his small eyes suddenly large by the way he was peering nervously at me.

Pha looked shocked and worried, not moving an inch.

"What...what happened to you?" It was Beam who spoke first. His voice, small and surprised.

"What?" I asked, cringing at the way I sounded.

"You got bruses all over your face Kit." Pha pointed out.

I shrugged.

I wasn't surprised. I was expecting it. Nai had slapped me a lot, and they stung like a bitch. It was only possible that they had left a mark.

"Who did you get into a fight with?" Beam asked me.

I shook my head, wanting to laugh a little. Oh how I wish i had gotten into a fight instead. I could gave been less traumatised.

Pha shook his head at Beam sadly, he seemed to have caught on to my situation, making my ears turn pink. I wanted no one to know. It was shameful that I couldn't even defend myself properly.

"We're...sorry for leaving you Kit," Pha told me sadly, and Beam nodded his head sincerely.

"It's fine," I told them honestly.

I wasn't mad at them one bit. It wasn't their fault. How could they have known this would have happened to me? No one could have known...

I sighed, collapsing on the floor suddenly.

My legs hurt. My head hurt. My face hurt. My heart hurt. Everything hurt, and I felt so weak.

"Lets get you back home," Pha sighed, helping me off the floor, "you can tell us what happened when you're feeling better."

"Come on Kit," Beam said gently, holding my hand to lead me out of where ever we were.

"But you guys wanted to drink and have fun-" I started.

"We aren't staying here any longer." Beam stated firmly.

"No," Pha agreed, "not after what's happened to you."

So I agreed to let them take me back to our dorms.

I was finally starting to relax, when I saw Ming standing beside my door. Perhaps, wating for me.

Oh God, I wanted nothing more that to jump in his arms and hug the life out of him, but his horrified face told me it wasn't going to happen soon.

He looked surprised, then... angry?

Why was he angry?

Was it because of me?

Had I done something wrong?

Oh God...had He found out what had happened with Nai?

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