Chapter 38: Warning signs

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5 months later

"I can't believe this loser," I grumbled, sitting down on the cafeteria bench in front of my two best friends.

"Haven't seen you here in ages," Pha commented briefly, going back to eating his usual; coconut rice.

"Yeah," Beam agreed, "don't you usually eat lunch in Ming's facility? What are you doing here?"

"Well I'm not going there today. Or tomorrow. Or ever!"

"Lower you voice! People are looking." Pha shushed.

"Well you're the one who's shouting now!"

"Both of you be quiet!" Beam joined in.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!"

"Kit Mongkol Intochar watch your language young man. Unless you want a detention." The voice of my med teacher scolded from behind me.

I instantly ducked my head, not daring to look behind me and make eye contact with the devil herself. "Y-Yes sorry ma'am."

And then you could hear her heels clicking on the ground as she walked away, a sigh leaving her lips. Along with the words, "they never learn."

I let out a breath of relief. "I didn't even know detentions could be given to a second year student." I grumbled.

Beam let out a loud snort and I rolled my eyes at him. "There's always someone telling you to watch your language."

"Shut the fuck up," I slapped his face sloppily. "Leave me alone."

Beam pouted, and shrugged his shoulders.

"So who's this loser you commented on just now?" Pha asked, still chewing away unbothered, at his rice.

"Oh just Ming."

"What did he do this time?"


"No wait let me guess," Beam interrupted me with excitement. The fuck? "He forgot to text you goodnight again?"

"No," I blushed, recalling the memory. I was just having a bad day that time okay? I was feeling sensitive!

"He threw up on you?"

"What?" I coughed, "ew no."

"Then you found out about the guy he thought was kinda cute."

"N-" I caught myself, "he called another guy cute? Who is he? Who's that fucker?" I raged.

"Oh dear." Beam paled, "if Ming asks, you didn't hear it from me. My lips are sealed."

"You fucking dumpling! Tell me who he-"

"Okay before you kill Beam, why don't you just tell us what happened." Pha hurriedly spoke, stopping me from grabbing Beam's hair from across the table.

"Alright." I huffed, straightening out my shirt. "I saw him walking with this girl in his campus four times this past week."


"Well when I asked him who she was, he told me it was just his new friend."

"So the problem is?"

"I saw her kiss him yesterday."

Beam spat out his drink, while I slumped further in my seat.

"A-are you sure she kissed him, and wasn't blowing in his eye? Because you know, that shit happened before and you jumped to conclusions-"

"I'm sure Pha! I saw them with my own two eyeballs!"

"You said that last time as well-"

"Did you ask Ming about it?" Beam asked, once he regained his composure.

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