Chapter 10: Mena's coming too?

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I stared, my eye twitching a little. This was not okay. How could Ming possibly be Phana's cousin's ex?!

"And you're fine with this?!" I shouted at him, as he smiled, unfazed by the situation at hand.

Pha just shrugged, carrying on with the task of finishing his rice.

That bugger.

"P?" Ming called from beside me.

"What?" I snapped harshly.

"Do you want to grab something to eat?"

Are you kidding me right now? I was worrying about what Pha's parent's were going to think about me dating their niece's ex, and all he could think about was food?

Was I the only sane one around here?

"No Ming, I don't want to go eat something." I told him calmly. "I mean it's not like I didn't just find out you were dating his cousin," I sarcastically sassed.

Pha rolled his eyes, "stop overreacting Kit. It's not like it's the end of the world."

"It may as well be!" I shouted, "I mean what are they going to think of me?"

"Who exactly are 'they' you're referring to?" Beam asked, acting out speech marks with both of this hands, as he quoted me.

"Mr and Mrs Kongthanin?!"

"My parents won't mind Kit," Pha sighed, "they're chill."

Although they won't seem to care, I'm sure they will!

"Have you met them before?" I turned to Ming, ignoring Pha's comment, as it clearly wasn't true.

"Yes..." he said awkwardly, making my heart sink, and Beam gasped in exaggeration. 

"How does Forth even put up with you?" I asked him, getting a but irritated.

"You can't say much, you put up with me too." He stuck his tongue out at me childishly.

"Are you sure, because I'm just a few seconds away from ripping your two vocal chords out so you won't be able to speak ever again."

He just rolled his eyes at me, while Ming looked apologetically over at him.

"You two are still coming." Pha said, as he finished his rice. Absentmindedly throwing the empty box in the bin next to our table, he gave me a look.

I stared back, mouth slightly agape in shock. Was he frickin mad?! Had his brain finally decided to take a holiday?

"We are certainly not going." I emphasised each word correctfully.

"Yes you are." Beam chimed in.

"No we aren't."

"You have to Kit," Pha sighed, "you know my parents so well, they'll be devastated if you don't."

There was no way in Hell I was going to go. I would go straight from being in their good books to stay-away-from-till-we-die books.

"There are going to be so many people there Pha! I doubt they'll even realise I'll be missing."

He looked a little hurt, and I did feel guilty, but then he rolled his eyes, making me sigh.

"Oh trust me they will. And when they do notice, they're not going to be happy." He stated, "and then I'll be in trouble."

"Why the fuck would you be in trouble?" I asked.

"You know they blame me for everything!" He shouted childishly, "they'll be like 'oh Pha why didn't you bring Kit? You know clearly that I specifically asked for him to be here! I miss him! Go and get him now!'" He mimicked his mother's voice.

I almost laughed at how accurate it was. Almost. But I glared instead, as Ming chuckled beside me. How could this kid not be worried about this messed up situation at all?

Everyone was mental I swear!

"And you have to come too Ming." Pha said, making Beam nod in agreement.

"No he does not!" I shouted immediately, my eyes the size of saucers as I took note of their stupidity.

"Yes he does," Pha smiled, "My parents spoke so much about you, I'm sure they'd love to see you again."

Ming paled, "but P...."

Pha stopped him, "it's fine Ming! The past is the past," he said casually.

The bickering went backwards and forwards for what seemed like hours, until I finally agreed that both Ming and me would go to the party.

Ming looked a bit uncomfortable at first by my decision, until he nodded his head with a deep breath.

It was hard declining Pha's offer, especially when he threatened to tell his parents himself about me and Ming's relationship. If anything, I would be the one explaining to his parents about our relationship even if it was the last thing I did!

Beam squealed excitedly at the news.

" It's going to be so much fun!" He shouted. Throwing his hands in the air hugging Pha tightly.

I could just imagine how 'fun' it was going to be. If anything, the party was just going to end up in a disastrous mess. And just when I thought matters couldn't have gotten any worse, Pha told me Mena was going to be attending as well.

Could I just be sucked up by a spaceship and be drifted away to another dimension already? This was too much!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter :) don't forget to comment and vote!! I truly appreciate it ♡

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