Chapter 21: Spider

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2 days late, but I just had to get this out already lol. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter although it's short. ❤

We reached the gas station at last.

Finally, I thought in content. I needed to desperately stretch my legs, therefore me being the first one to get off even though I was sitting quite at the back.

While I was talking to Beam, saying how I really hoped I would not have to share a room with Nai, I was hauled off my feet, and hugged tightly.

I let out a yelp of surprise.

"Kitkat!" Ming smiled at me, once he eventually let me down.

"Ming! Do you want to die?" I glared at him, but laughed a few seconds later. I smiled at Ming, getting lost in his beautiful brown orbs.

It was impossible to get mad at him, when he smiled like he had won the lottery.

"P'Kit?" Wayo called me, bringing me out of my daze.

I turned to look at him, "Yes Yo?"

"You have," he paused, "you have a spider in your hair."

He was shit scared of spiders. And so was I!

It was like the world came crashing down on me, like I had just had a bucket of ice water thrown on my face while sleeping.

Fucking hell.

I screamed, running around in circles like a mad man, hoping the spider would lose its grip on my hair, and eventually fall off, without me touching it. I didn't want to touch it, so I waved my hands about wildly.

I was glad that there were only a handful of people present where I was, as I would have been thoroughly embarrassed.

It was when I had suddenly bumped into someone that I realised that I wasn't just simply running around in circles, I was full out trampling the whole bloody place.

Before I could land flat on my ass, a pair of hands caught my waist. And a terrifying grin met my eyes. I was instantly saddened.

It was just my typical luck.

N-A fucking I.

I frantically looked around, only to notice that I was alone with him...again.

Just how far had I ran?

Where were the others?

Where was Ming?

Hell, where was I?

The thoughts of a spider on me were long forgotten, as I gulped nervously as Nai circled around me like a predator.

"I'm going," I stuttered out curtly. However, when I made an attempt to move away from him, I was pulled back harshly.

I cradled my sore arm, as I waited, terrified, of his next moves.

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