Chapter 27: Senior punishment

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Early updateee yayyy xx

Turns out what we were thinking was right. The three of us were made to stay back, while the rest of the gang went to go hiking.

"Yes!" Pha shouted as soon as P'Tee told us the "bad" news.

P'Tee gave him a look, and soon Pha's smile of joy turned into a straight line, "I mean oh no," Pha mumbled halfheartedly.

"I expect good reviews from the staff about you three doing the jobs assigned to you." P'Tee said before swiftly leaving the room.

I groaned as soon as he left, lying of the bed.

"I can't believe he expects us to pick up all the litter in this place for three hours." Beam sighed.

"This place is huge." Pha agreed.

"The faster we get this done, the more time we get to have to ourselves." Beam said with determination.

"We need designated areas for each one of us," I said also wanting to get this boring job over and done with.

"Aww come on," Beam whined, "we have to split up?"

"Yes," Pha agreed with me, "it will be faster, and plus we won't get distracted with each other."

So that was how I ended up in an empty indoor badminton court.

Pha had taken the area by the swimming pool, while Beam agreed to pick up litter by the food court.

After finishing we had agreed to meet up by the ice cream parlour that had gotten us into this mess in the first place. What a bummer.

It was fifteen minutes into my endless wiping of the giant mirror in the room that I felt my heart sink.

I dropped whatever cloth I had in my shaking hand in fear, as I spotted him looking at me in the mirror.


Hadn't he gone on the hike?

"Get away from me!" I screamed as soon as I saw him.

To my surprise he didn't advance towards me, and instead, he stood there with his head hung low and a guilty expression on his face.

"Can- can I talk to you Kit?" He asked, his voice different than how I had heard it before. My eyes widened at the sound... it was timid?

"Don't say my name you creep," I hissed at him, willing myself not to take notice of him.

"Please," He sounded desperate.

"Fuck off," I spoke rudely.

"I need to explain myself to you," He said, taking a step towards me.

My heart jumped in my chest, my breathing became frantic.

This couldn't be happening right now.

"Get the hell away from me!" I shouted with all my strength, hoping someone would hear me and come to my rescue.

God only knows what Nai would do to me if I spent another second alone with him.

"Please Kit," Nai begged, tears forming in his eyes, "I'm begging you, you need to know the truth."

"I don't need to know anything from you." I snapped.

When I made an attempt to walk passed him he grabbed my hand.


That caught me off guard.

Still I managed to wriggle my hand out of his grasp, which wasn't hard at all since he had only held it loosely.

"I know what this is about," I said, realising that I had the upper hand in this situation.

He wouldn't try anything right now, as he was in a dangerous position. I could simply complain about him to the police now that Ming had witnessed it all. They were bound to believe me not him, therefore he could end up in jail.

He looked at me with hopefull eyes, "y-you do?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "You want me to make up some rubbish about what was happening yesterday morning between you and me so that Ming doesn't hate you anymore."

I saw tears fall from his eyes, "K-Kwanie hates me?" He stuttered.

I looked at him with widened eyes at how broken he sounded. This fucker was sure one hell of a good actor, too bad he majored in Business.

"You and I both know he bloody does!" I bellowed, anger sweeping through me, "you were trying to rape me! His boyfriend!"

"I wasn't going to!" He screamed, tears running down his dance as he slumped on the floor with a thud. "I'm- I'm so sorry."

"I don't give a shit what you were or weren't going to do! It still traumatised me!" I shouted, "and it's a bit too late for an apology now."

"I was blackmailed," He cried.

I laughed loudly at that, "don't make up excuses to try and get yourself out of this messed up situation."

"Please you have to believe me!" He was hysterical now, which creeped me out to no end.

"Don't fucking talk to me again! You're sick!" I shouted, storming out of the room.

Fuck cleaning, I rather get punished again than put up with that piece of trash.

What caught me off guard was while I was leaving I heard Nai shout a specific name that gave me chills.


More specifically, he had shouted, "it was Mena! She made me do it! I had to help my boyfriend, I had to make sure he would be safe," he had uttered the last part weakly. So quietly that I wasn't sure if that was what he had even said.

Why would Mena, Pha's bitch of a cousin, be involved in all of this?

If Nai claimed he had a boyfriend, then why would he want to do all those things to me?

Nai liked Ming a lot, I knew that was true from the sincerity in his eyes whenever Ming and he would talk to one an other. Then why would he want to hurt me, despite knowing I was Ming's boyfriend? He surly knew it would hurt Ming too.

All these questions ran through my head, and whatever answer I had just didn't add up together to make sense.

I needed to make sense of all of this for my own sanity.

I needed to ask Ming abut Nai.

But how?

So you're probably wondering why I described the punishment as that bad right? Well easy question: I met Nai, he filled my head with words that just didn't make sense to me, and me being me, I just wanted to know what the hell was going on!

Well that was a random moment between Nai and Kit. But then again, when isn't Nai random?

Does anyone have the slightest clue as to what is going on, because clearly poor Kitty doesn't.

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