Chapter 9: The big answer

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I wasn't having any of it.

Ming hadn't come to see me at my facility all day, let alone even called me once.

He had left in a hurry, yesterday when I had asked him to be my date. He hadn't even answered my question properly before he left. Just simply made up an excuse of having to do a "shit tonne of homework".

"So he just straight up ignored you, when you asked him to go as your date?" Beam asked curiously, leaving over the table slightly, to get closer to my face.

I scouled, pushing his face away from me.

"No Beam." I grumbled, "he said he didn't want to go."

"Why though?" Pha asked, "I don't get it."

"Neither do I," Beam added.

"I swear he'd jump at the opportunity to go as your date." Pha laughed.

I glared at him.

"That's what I've been trying to tell you losers all this while!" I shouted, getting frustrated with the pair of them.

"Something must have seriously gone wrong, if he doesn't want to go even after I asked him a million times, and I want to find out what it is."

"What do you think it could be?" Beam asked me.

I shook my head, "I have no clue." I told him honestly, "but I'm guessing he must know your parents Pha."

"I've never heard them talk about him before," he said with a sigh, "I doubt they even know him Kit."

"Then why was he acting as if I was asking him to go to hell with me?" I snapped.

Pha grimaced.

"How am I supposed to know?" He huffed, "he's your boyfriend."

I glared at him once more.

"You could've just asked him," Beam pointed out.

I breathed out a huff, shaking my head again, "he was looking so miserable I didn't want to ask him about it then."

"How about you ask him about it now?"

"I would if I could Beam!" I shouted, "he's not answering my calls or my texts and he hasn't come to take me out for lunch either. That's why I'm stuck with you two." I curled my lip jokingly at them, getting a pair of eye rolls back.

"I'm sure he's fine Kit." Pha consoled, "maybe he's stuck in traffic and his phone died." He said smartly.

And thats exactly what had happened, I had found out when Ming had finally come and saved me from the two annoying dorks aka my best friends.

"I'm so sorry P," Ming apologied again, coming to sit next to me on the seat I had just patted.

He was a little breathless, and I noticed his shirt was a little untucked by the side.

"Its fine." I told him honestly.

"So Ming," Beam said immediately, making me cringe. I already knew where this was going.

"Why don't you want to come to the party with us?" And there it was.

I glared at him from across the table, but he didn't seem phased by it at all. Seeming much more interested for an answer, Beam leaned forward a little, anticipating what was to come next.

This child, I thought, shaking my head a little.

"I just don't feel like going P." Ming lied.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit," I huffed, "you're my boyfriend. I know when you're lying." I raised my eyebrows, making him sigh.

"I- I just..."

"Well?" I said, waiting expectantly.

"Its just that..." he paused for a moment, turning to look at me, "promise me you won't get mad first."

"I promise," I said instantly, though I knew I couldn't promise anything. It was so easy to make me angry that it even blew my mind.

"Well you see.." he gulped a little, looking at Pha guiltlily.

What? Ok now I was definitely getting worried. Had he done something that bad? What could it be?

"Spit it out Ming!" I exploded, getting really antsy now. I just needed to know already!

He took one last shaky breath before blurting, "I'm Mena's ex."

"Who the fuck is Mena?" I shouted instantly. My blood starting to boil.

"P! You promised you wouldn't get angry!"

"Just answer the damned question Ming!"

He shook his head, making me glare. I knew Ming had, had about four ex's but being reminded of it just made me extremely pissed and I didn't even know why! I just needed to punch something right about now!

I looked at Pha then, hoping he would have an answer for me before I did something I regretted.

He just looked frazzled for a few seconds and then a look of realisation struck his features.

"So you were that Ming they constantly talked about?" He asked, Ming just looked sheepishly back in return.

"Who the fucking fuck is Mena, you piece of shit?!" I shouted again, getting really mad that the pair shared the knowledge I so desperately wanted to know.

"My cousin." Pha replied after a few breathless seconds passed. Both Beam and me gasped.

"Awkward..." Beam sing sing-songed quietly making me shoot a glare at him. Though I couldn't agree more, this was awkward!

What was I going to do now?

Hope you all enjoyed, don't forget to comment and vote! Xx

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