Chapter 4: Pha's advice

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"Kit?" Pha said as I sat opposite him on a picnic bench that was placed outside our university's cafeteria.

"What?" I snapped, evidently mood out. Ming had completely ditched me, what else would you expect?!

"Someone's on their period." Pha muttered under his breath. "Its just unexpected to see you here during lunch hours." He smiled.

"Well expect it from now on." I said. If Ming was going to completely forget about our daily lunch dates then so was I. And that's right, I addressed them as lunch dates!

Then the image of his girlfriend struck me like a fucking slap on the face, and I banged my fist into the table angrily. Since he had a girlfriend to go on dates with, those so called dates were probably just a time pass for him. He just took me out on an outing when he got bored. That was probably all it was! God I was so stupid!

"What's gotten your pants in a twist?" He asked, shaking his head at me And then digging in to his rice.

"Nothing!" I shouted, suddenly feeling irritated. Fucking Ming, who did he think he was? How could he have had a girlfiend all this time, while carelessly flirting with me.

"Stop shouting Kit, youre causing a scene. All the nongs are looking."

"Get over it! You should be used to it by now anyway." I rolled my eyes at him.

He sighed briefly before stuffing his mouth full with the coconut rice that was in his take away box.

"So have you ask Ming to be your date yet?" He asked, cutting short the momentarily silence that lasted between us.

You just had to fucking bring up that ass face didn't you?


"Really? Why not?"

"You should ask Earth why not!"

"Who's Earth?"

"Ming's fucking girlfriend!"

Pha's eyes widened at the news.

"He has a girlfriend?" He asked me softly.

I nodded, my eyes becoming watery.

"I'm so sorry Kit." He said, coming to sit next to me.

"Why does it feel so bad Pha?" I asked, beginning to cry.

"Don't think about it Kit." He said gently, patting my back. "Everything will be just fine."

"This wasn't supposed to happen." I said, inbetween ugly sobs.

"What wasn't Kit?"

"I wasn't supposed to like him Pha. Not him. Not Ming."

"Shh Kit." He soothed. "Everything will work out. You'll find someone else."

"I hope so." I cried, though I knew I wouldn't. I mean who would want to put up with my moody ass day in and day out? Even I wouldn't enjoy it!

"Pha?" I called.


"How did you know Wayo was the one?"

"I honestly don't know Kit." He sighed, "I guess you just know somehow. It's like you want to be with them because they make you happy. When they're around you, it feels like nothing bad is ever going to get to you, and even if it does, it doesn't matter. They make you feel safe and happy. They make you feel like home."

I scoffed, "like home?" I asked, not really understanding what he had meant by the term.

"I guess what I mean is they make you feel as though there isn't any place better then next to them." He finished.

It was funny how I sort of understood that feeling all to well. Although sure I push Ming away multiple times, I still felt better when he was beside me. And at times when I was stressed, I even wishes he was next to me just so that I could be at ease again, as he always made me laugh and forget about my chaotic life.

I finally realised just how much I liked Ming. It was most got to a point where I could even consider it as love. And it hurt a lot knowing that right now, at this very moment, Ming was with another girl, his girlfriend even, going on a date, and leaving me to my misery. All I could do was...cry.

Had Ming even liked me all this while as he had always claimed, or was it just a joke? I had no idea.

I just wished it wasn't the later.

I have decided to update every Saturday. Hope everyone's okay with that ♡

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