Chapter 25: Two o'clock

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"Beam!" P'Forth shouted, rushing over t carry Beam as he passed out. He was tired and drunk. That could only lead him to passing out.

Great P'Forth was going to give us hell the next day.

"All of you in the car now," he bellowed, carrying Beam to the backseat and putting the seatbelt on for the baby. Me and Pha followed his instructions wordlessly.

He then got into the drivers seat, once we were all sorted, and started the car...only one wouldn't start.

He tired and couple more times, and the same result, only an annoying sound was left in its wake.

"What now P?" Pha asked, leaning over from the back seat, to look at P'Forth.

"I don't know," he sighed, "the battery's dead."

"Fucking great," I commented under my breath.

"How can you tell?" Pha asked curiously.

P'Forth have Pha the shut the fuck up look, "I'm am engineering student. I can tell by the sound the car's giving."

Pha mouthed and 'ohh', and went back to leaving on the window, Beam's legs still sprawled over his thighs.

Just then P'Forth got out of his car and it appeared to be that he was calling someone on his phone. Probably some repair person or something, I thought and went back to pinching Beam's nose watching him unconsciously try and squat my hand away. The poor loser was long gone.

Boy was I fucking wrong!

Another fifteen minutes of doing shit all, Ming arrives driving a random car. I didn't even notice he was hear till I heard someone tapping on the window my head was leaning on.

Irritably, I rolled down the window, wanting to yell at the person to stop bothering me, but instead I froze.

I was out of the car in an instant, and throwing my entire weight on Ming.

"Kit!" He shouted, taken back by the sudden hug, but hugged me back within seconds.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, taking a step back to look at him in dim light.

"P'Forth asked me to come help him with his useless luggage," he laughed, "but I realise now that he was talking about you guys."

I made a motion to smack him on the head, but when he noticed that I was a bit too short to do so, he laughed even harder.

"Okay stop it," I insisted, but I loved his laugh.

"Ming you idiot, I don't understand why you had to drag me here with you at two o'clock in the morning!" Yo shouted, coming out of the random car.

Once he noticed me though, he instantly cheered up. I smiled, what a cutie.

"Hello P!" He greeted me, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know...just hanging." I said, too embarrassed to tell him the whole story.

"My hearing told me my boyfriend was near, and I was right." Pha said, coming to stand beside me.

"P'Pha." Yo smiled, and Pha instantly was beside him. He leaned in and whispered something in Yo's ear, making him blush a bright red.

"Ming," P'Forth called, "did you get the wires I asked for."

"Yes P!" He answered instantly, "they're right in the car boot, I'll get them for you if you want-"

"No need," P'Forth said tiredly, waving him off, "I'll do it."

"What's up with P?" Yo asked.

"I mean it is like two o'clock in the mourning, it's not like he's tired or anything." Ming scoffed, making Yo stick his tongue out at him.

I chuckled at him, and he picked me up like I weighed nothing. After smashing his lips to mine, and kissing me for a good minute, he set me back down.

"When we get back you're sleeping with me." He said, my eyes widened.


Pha's eyes were like soccer balls, "wow." He said, "me and Yo have been together long than you two have, and even we haven't don't it yet."

I had to stop myself from running over and strangling the idiot.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Ming laughed, goodness he laughs even in a situation as awkward as this one?

"Yeah Pha!" I hissed, "get your head out the gutter."

"Oh come on," Pha sighed, "we were all thinking it!"


No one replied to him.

He huffed and stormed off, dragging poor Yo with him.

"Unless you want to do it with me P-"

"Not now Ming," I shrugged it off, "we have a problem on our hands right now."

Suffice to say I was embarrassed. I had never done it before, and well I wasn't ready to even do it yet.

Funny I'm a med student yet I get embarrassed to even say the word sex, I just can't imagine how I'd embarrass myself having sex with Ming.

Omg I said it.

I was blushing. Great. Don't fucking think about having sex with Ming, Kit. You have to think about how you're going to get yourself out of this messy situation.

Oh. My. God. Stop thinking about doing it with Ming! Pull yourself together!

"You mean, you have a problem on your hands." Ming's talking brought me out of my train of deliciousness-I mean thought.

I glared at him as I couldn't think of what to say. It had already taking me a few seconds to remember what our conversation was even about.

"You know P," he said, taking my hand in his, a cheeky grin on his face, " if you do me a favour I'll put in a good word on your behalf to the seniors in charge. I know them quite well."

Hmm. Interesting.

"And what would this favour include doing?" I asked.

"I'll have to think about that..." he chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Forget it," I snapped pulling my hand away, "I know those seniors quite well too. They won't let us of the hook easily at all this time."

Ming chuckled, making me groan.

"What am I going to do?"

"There, there Kitty," Ming empathised, "if it helps I promise to visit you in whatever prison they put you in." He laughed, stoking my hair.

"Ming! You are so not helping!"

He ignored me, walking over to where P'Forth stood, joining random wires together.

"P?" Ming called, catching his attention, "is it okay if I take P'Kit home? He doesn't feel well."

As if rehearsed, I coughed a moment later.

"I wonder why," P'Forth sassed, "I mean it's not like he's just been drinking his life away in the middle of night!"

"Hey!" I whined, "I didn't even drink-"

"Not the point, you all still snuck out despite seniors telling you not to."

"But I'm an adult P."

"Barely," P'Forth scoffed, "fine take him home, and take Yo back too. I'll bring Pha and Beam in my car."

Ming nodded excitedly, dragging me along and he grabbed Yo's hand while he was in the middle of having a conversation with Pha.

It was when we sat in the car, and Ming rubbed his hands together deviously, while grinning like an idiot was when I realised.

"We aren't going back to our rooms are we?"


Well fuck it.

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