Ch. 2- Ghosts From the Past

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"Perhaps it is the greatest grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone."


There was many reasons why I wanted to see Elora again. One of them being that she was the only one that made me realize what it felt like to be human. I thought I had forever with her. I thought that after everything we've been through, she was going to survive. That she was going to survive the life I brought her in. But she didn't. 

The other reason is that I loved her. With everything that I have, I loved her. Even when she didn't have a soul and hated me, my feelings for her never changed. 

I know I don't deserve her. I know that I'm a monster that does terrible things only for myself and myself only. Ellie called me out on it, but I vowed that what I'm about to do is not about me. It's about the others, and how they deserve everything but their life right now. If I have to die to make sure it happens, I will. No matter what it took.

I had a meeting with the Council this morning. Just one of many that I had to sit through these past few months. All of them didn't particularly like when I brought them the news that Elora is dead. Now they're punishing me for it since there is no one else to punish. 

Where I lived has not changed one bit in the last five centuries. The ancient walls were the same, with it being strong enough to block the sun and to resist the powerful vampires that stepped foot in here on a daily basis. 

I turned my head to gaze at my large portrait on the wall and then next to it, where Elora's was placed. I had it made in remembrance for what she did to protect this Kingdom, and for me, too. 

"Feeling like jumping into a painting?" a voice asked from my side. I moved my head as fast as I could, but eased once I saw him. He was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, managing to not touch the rest of the pictures. It was surprising that I remembered his name since he barely comes to the castle. "Honestly, with all the magic in the world, I'd be surprised if you actually did that."

"Honestly, Kellan, I'd be surprised if you managed to do it. We all know how you like being one step ahead of everyone." I said. 

Kellan smirked. "You know me so well." 

He had the hair like my brother, but it wasn't as messy as his. It was cut elegantly to the point that he didn't look like a dangerous vampire. But he didn't look like Christian; since he was made up of mostly legs and he didn't have much muscle but had dark skin like his personality. Kellan wasn't as old as me, but he was a sneaky son of a bitch that he could get away with anything. Probably the only snake I have, to say the least. 

"What is it that you want, Kellan?" I finally asked. 

"I only came here for my condolences, Sebastian," he said, standing up straight now. "I was in the middle of an assignment when I heard." 

"Well, thank you, but I'm fine." I lied, looking back at Elora's picture. In it, she had no expression as she had a book in her hand, her red hair shining brightly in the hallway. "You can go back to whatever trouble you're causing now."

Kellan had no hit of feeling shone on his face. As if he were ready to strike -- not with actions, but with words. "So it looks like you've given up." he guessed. "Just because your girl died. How tragic."

My eyes were in slits now. "Not just my girl. My whole family in a matter of years."

"Okay, so everyone you love died. Guess what, mostly every other immortal's love dies. It's how it works and how it will always be. You're not special."

"Well, thanks for the truth, snake," I said, trying to look like what he said didn't shake me. "I've got to go to a meeting now. You can stay or go, I don't care. Do as you like."

As I was about to turn around, he was now in front of me. His eyes shone with a deep red, almost black, in the sunlight. "If you want them back, then get them back. Nothing is stopping you, Sebastian. You are the most powerful King of all the Kingdoms. Surely, you bring back a couple of people." he urged. 

I let out a breath. "If I knew of a way to do that, Kellan, then I would have done it by now." 

"Just look into it," he said. "I'm telling you this now, don't give up."

"Okay, little snake, I won't." I managed a friendly smile. I looked back at Elora's portrait once more, thinking that she would have loved Kellan. And then I thought of what it was like to have her back in my arms again. 

"Don't call me that, Sebastian," he said. "I'm not little."

"Little to me," I said. Kellan nodded his head, giving up. "Don't be slithering around here, many don't like it." 

"Well, why don't you dim my fun," he said. "You know what happens when snakes grow hungry. They start biting." 

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, just don't get caught."

He had a smile on his face that looked like the Devil himself. "I don't get caught."

And then he was gone.

For the last time, I looked at my Queen's picture and said out loud, "I'm getting you back." Then I turned and started walking to the meeting room for what felt like the thousandth time these past few months. 

If what Kellan said was true, then there has to be a way to be able to bring her back. To bring the rest of them back. 

And maybe, just maybe, hope they stay alive this time.


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